Preimplantation genetic testing - Fertility Network UK

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Preimplantation genetic testing

hifer profile image
36 Replies

Hi there,

Am interested in hearing anyone’s experience of PGT (that’s what our clinic calls it). This is testing before transfer to test for genetically unbalanced embryos. Please be aware that we have chosen to do this so please bear this in mind in any responses. I get that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but positive thoughts/ experience/ research would be incredibly appreciated.

Thank you, encyclopaedia of fertility.


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hifer profile image
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36 Replies
Dogpark profile image

Hey @hifer

No update, I'm also considering this as you know and I haven't made a definite decision.

It remains new and unproven, therefore, I would want to make sure that the clinic doesn't discard embryos that test as abnormal.

If it really does what it says, it can save you a lot of time in transferring embryos, which is not a light process financially and personally (less meds).

Best of luck with the rest of your process! Would love to hear how it goes.

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to Dogpark

Yes absolutely, I will keep you posted. I know you are also interested. We also believe that it could save time and money in the long run but we haven't been through the process yet! Our clinic will not discard any of our embryos without our say so and after discussion with our consultant. (This is all assuming we have embryos to test after day 5). I hope to have a positive outcome for you x

SJYoung profile image

hifer we had to have this due to my having congenital heart disease and other underlying conditions. 5 were tested and 5 were all normal but I must say the wait was a killer x

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to SJYoung

Wow that’s an amazing number. So pleased that all the embryos were good. Well done you xx

Pujj profile image

My friend went through IVF after many miscarriages and had 10 embryos which were all tested. They discovered that she had a chromosomal defect where two of her chromosomes were switched around and so it meant that each of her embryos also had a chromosomal defect, such as Down’s syndrome and Wilson’s disease. She said that as upsetting as the news was she’s so pleased that she had the testing done because now they know. I hope that helps x

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to Pujj

Really interesting thank you. Thank you for sharing. Did she manage to get pregnant? I really hope so xx

Pujj profile image
Pujj in reply to hifer

I’m afraid not, and they decided against trying any more as the genetic defects appeared to be the reason she was having the miscarriages. It was a tough decision for them, but it helped for them to understand x

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to Pujj

Well I guess answers is what we’re all after on this journey. Although it wasn’t what she wanted to hear I hope she found some peace in why she was having the miscarriages. I’m so sorry for your friend. Really devastating for her xx

Pujj profile image
Pujj in reply to hifer

Thank you xx

JFP30 profile image

Hello there, our embryos are currently being tested. Our first go failed, didn’t get past the 2ww. It is such a worrying wait but like you said I agree it will save a lot of time, money and heartache. Hopefully will have the results in three weeks xx

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to JFP30

Fingers crossed for you 🤞xx

Vegemite profile image

We didn’t do it... but interested in responses as well

Bozo_the_pumpkin profile image

Hello hifer, we had one tested last year. Due to my age my doctor strongly recommended testing. I agree with SJ Young.. the wait is really a killer. Our results took a few weeks to come and I had doubts about it at the last minute but I am super glad we did it. Our embie turned out to have 2 extra chromosomes... had I gone ahead without the PGT test I would still be doing IVF today but with added heartache from an inevitable mc. Disappointing outcome but we were happy to be able to make an informed decision. My clinic has years of experience with the test and I was assured that embies would not be discarded without my explicit say so.

🤞🏽For you

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to Bozo_the_pumpkin

Thank you very much for your response. So sorry that was the outcome for you. Did you decide to try again or not? Likewise our clinic had a lot of experience so it’s not new to them. Xx

Bozo_the_pumpkin profile image

Thank you🙂 We took a few months off and are now in the tww. Doing DE now because my egg quality is so bad, so decided not to do PGT this time around. I’m sure your clinic will do a good job at it.. and nowadays it is not that big a risk as they test at 5 days when there are many cells instead of 3 days with fewer cells. I was also told at the time that they don’t actually take cells from the embryo but rather the bit that will become the placenta so it is much safer.

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to Bozo_the_pumpkin

Agree with everything you’ve said and that’s exactly what I’ve been told too. Wishing you a speedy 2ww xx

Bozo_the_pumpkin profile image
Bozo_the_pumpkin in reply to hifer

Good luck and baby dust 💖💖

Koko04 profile image

I started my 1st IVF cycle today and will have them tested as the doc recommended it and I want us to have the best chance possible.

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to Koko04

Thanks a lot. Wishing you all the best x

alockie profile image

Hi, I have no personal experiences, but PGS NGS worked for a few friends of mine. x

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to alockie

Good to know, thanks a lot for the response x

AcuFertilityDoc profile image

There’s no downside to PGD. They take a few cells from the trophoblast, so the embryo (inner cell mass) isn’t disturbed. It’s done typically after several failed attempts and with mature moms. They take a look at the chromosomes for genetic context so that the top of the class can be chosen. What they’re trying to avoid is putting you through the agony of the wait only to discover an empty blastocyst. If you’re a later Mom or have had some failures, this test should give you reason to celebrate. Now the most valuable players will be in the first string!

( :

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to AcuFertilityDoc

Thank you for your positivity and your factual response. This is much appreciated and confirmed we are definitely doing the right thing x

AcuFertilityDoc profile image
AcuFertilityDoc in reply to hifer

Not all tests are scary. Think of PGD as a concierge service. At a very expensive hotel. ( :

Fingerscrossed38 profile image

Hi, after two miscarriages and failing to fall pregnant in over a year since our last miscarriage our Dr suggested we try IVF with PGS testing. We are so glad we did this! Got our results back last week. 6/9 came back normal so we avoided at least 3 probable miscarriages. Definitely recommend it as it just eliminates the chromosomal reasons for any subsequent miscarriages in the future. Best of luck

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to Fingerscrossed38

Wow that’s an amazing number, congratulations. Wishing you loads of luck for your onward journey xx

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply to hifer

Thanks. Hoping to transfer next cycle!

Ayooshi profile image

Hi there, when I asked my clinic about pre testing embryos the response I was given was that once they have been tested then they can not be transferred after. Meaning that they will have to discard them as they will no longer be viable? Is this the same testing I’m wondering or a different one?

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to Ayooshi

Hey I’m not sure which testing you are referring to I’m afraid. PGT is testing for embryos specifically to be able to put back the ones that are genetically viable. I’m not sure why you would test them and then discard them (unless they weren’t). Perhaps ask them for further clarification. X

JFP30 profile image

Hi there, just an update. I had a call from the clinic yesterday and 6 out of 7 embryos survived the thawing process and the biopsy. I just have to wait now 2-3 weeks for the results. Will keep you updated with the progress. Just hope we get some good news x

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to JFP30

Hello there thanks for the update. Sorry I’m a bit confused. So they were frozen and then they have been tested?? Is it 7 blastocysts you have? Xx

JFP30 profile image

Yes sorry I’m still quite new at much to remember. Had 7 frozen from my last transfer which failed. I’d watched a documentary about it and raised it with our Dr when we had our review. It was a no brainer for me. I couldn’t go through another round knowing the possibility there could be such problems. As you know we will do whatever it takes for the best possible chance. We didn’t think there was any point just doing a few , so we had them all tested. They thawed them yesterday and did the biopsy. The 6 that survived have now been frozen whilst we await the results. X

hifer profile image

Am I see!! That’s really interesting that they were frozen, thawed for testing and then re frozen. Wishing you ALL the very best for your results. Please keep me posted xx

JFP30 profile image
JFP30 in reply to hifer

Hey, so the clinic called me today. Thought I would give you an update. All 6 have come back normal (Such a relief) So I’m going to pay for that embryo glue this time. I have heard mixed reports but with it not working the first time, just feel I need to try everything now x

hifer profile image
hifer in reply to JFP30

Oh wow!!! That’s amazing news. Many many congratulations. Am so happy for you. What a number!! When is transfer? Xx

JFP30 profile image
JFP30 in reply to hifer

Hey, sorry for delay. Missed this response some how. Well the wait was just unbearable, ended up being 3 weeks, which was just to soon to get my drugs and start, plus I was stressing about it so much. So I’m starting in Julys cycle. Booked a little holiday to Greece in the meantime to try and take my mind off things. Great news, but now for the next hurdle... hope they will survive the thawing again. 🤞🏽 Xx

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