Hi lovely ladies wondering if anyone can help me with something. I had a follicle count total of 5 (3 and 2) and amh level of 4.5 I’m 32. (So a strong indiciafoln of ovarian decline- )Before going straight to ivf I’ve been asked to redo these test. I’ve lost sleep been devastated and upon completing the ultrasound again I now have 11 follicles (jumped up by 6) could this mean that my amh levels are wrong too? I re did that too now the waiting for the results is consuming me. Which is a more reliable indiciator follicle count or amh levels? The internet contradicts inter self. Any one experienced this?
Follicle Count has jumped - what does... - Fertility Network UK
Follicle Count has jumped - what does this mean?

I think AMH does go up and down but not sure by how much or why xx
I think that what matters in the number of antra follicles. I would not bother with the AMH. Mine is almost zero and yet I also have a few antra follicles each cycle. So it’s not a reliable metric.
The amount of follicles varies each month so no two months are the same but they are normally fairly similar! Same with AMH.
Did you have your tests done at the same one place?x
I was just reading your post on the way to my scan before we start round 2 ASAP. I have just found out that my follicle count has doubled from 3 to 6. I am amazed. I was told repeatedly that I would never have any more than 3 🤷🏻♀️ That’s an increase of 100% 😆 !! You are young so your eggs should be good quality. Try not to focus too much on numbers. Ivf worked first time for me when I was 34 with an AMH of 2.3 xx
Thank you for your reply to my post that’s great news! Do you know what this now means for you? Did you redo a amh test also ?
I have just had a telephone consultation this morning with my consultant. He was very pleased and surprised but not shocked about the doubling of my AFC. He was obviously very pleased and has advised that I increase stims from 150 to 300 in the hope we might get maybe 4 eggs this next time around (we got 2 eggs from the 3 follicles last time) He said there was no need to retest AMH and FSH. I will be posting during the next cycle (starting mid June hopefully) if you would like to know how I get on 🤞🏻 I know how awful it is to get results back on the low side but please try not to worry. It’s only one piece of a large jigsaw xx
My understanding is follicle count varies month to month, it can go up and down, generally not by much though and is determined by hormones throughout the menstrual cycle. As you are likely aware, every follicle does not contain a mature egg and generally the average woman releases one egg during a cycle. However saying this there are woman who release more than one mature egg and some that don't release an egg at all but still have a period. AMH although not supposed to be variable on a monthly basis, can in my experience, change. I've had readings of 3.0, 2.3, 7.5 and 6.2 (in this order, and apparently the fluctuations are caused by the lab conditions in each lab. 3 of my tests were done in the same NHS lab and the highest reading by my private clinic). You are young so have that on your side at the moment. It is the quality of the eggs that matter the most xx