Hi I had a misscarrige on 8th April my bleeding started of light yesterday and still light bleeding today. I am so scared that I may have retained products i have phoned the gp and asked if I can get an ultrasound and they said they can't give me one because I have no fever no foul smell etc... Gp said just keep monitoring it and it might be the start of my period... But how would u know still without a scan 🤔
How do you know if all the miscarriag... - Fertility Network UK
How do you know if all the miscarriage is out your system?
Did you not get told to take a pregnancy test at a certain date to make sure your hCG levels have gone back to normal or have you had bloods for them?xx
Was told to do a pregnancy test and it was negative. Xx

If its negative then it means all the pregnancy tissue has gone so all is good. If there was any left it would produce hCG.xxx
This bleed I'm getting is it normal then? Xx
As in could it be just my cycle starting? Xx

It could well be your cycle coming back to normal! However it can take time for your cycles to regulate.xx
Ok thanks I know the pregnancy test says negative I just fear that incase there might be something there and cause infection.. xx

Try not to worry, it sounds like your body is getting back to normal.xx
Hey, did you have normal cycles after ur mc? Xx

Mine were regular....ish but I think I had a 34 day one then a 32 day one then a 29 day one so yes but just not 100% back to normal straight away!xx
Take a pregnancy test lovely x
I have had retained tissue - it was a tiny amount but I got super strong pregnancy tests.. you should be fine - it doesnt sound like you have x
Thankyou. did you get a normal cycle after? Xx
No - it took about 4 months to get back to normal cycles but I did have some complications x
Please don't rely on just a pregnancy test if you are worried. Obviously a negative one would be a good indicator but mcs can be tricky and you definitely want to avoid any complications. A blood test will tell you your hcg levels. They should be <5.
And I'm very sorry for your loss
So sorry to hear about your miscarriage. Did you have previous bleeding at the time of the miscarriage on the 8th of April? I’d so this may well be your period returning. My period started really light after my miscarriage and was shorter than normal (although still had sore cramps), it can take a few months to get back into the regular cycle I was told 🤗 if you have any pain or any other symptoms you should contact your doctor but sounds like everything is okay xx
Hi did your bleeding stop after your mc?
Yes it did xx
Then it’s could your period early, I bled for 2w then ovulated 2 days after then got my period 2w later. Or sometime you stop then start again just keep a eye make notes see if your next period comes when it should etc
Ok will do. Thanks xx