Shouldnt I be nauseous?: Hello ladies... - Fertility Network UK

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Shouldnt I be nauseous?

Niki_B profile image
28 Replies

Hello ladies, hope you are keeping well ❤

So today I am 7+3, I seen babies heartbeat and all looking good at 5+6. I am just worrying a bit as I havent really had any nausea? My pregnancy last year that I sadly miscarried at 11 weeks (missed miscarriage so not actually sure when babys heart stopped) I was extremely nauseous from about 6 weeks onwards. I've had a couple bouts of feeling nauseous, one night I couldnt eat dinner and the smell of meat cooking almost made me vomit. But it's only happened a few times and I've not gone off food at all, in fact I cant stop eating!! My boobs are still really really sore and tender so that is helping ease my my mind. Everyone told me last year not to worry when my nausea started going away, that it was normal, but I kind of knew in my heart something was not right.

My nausea was just so bad last time and just making me worry that I dont really have any yet. Has anyone had a successful pregnancy and didnt really have any nausea by the 7th week of pregnancy? Maybe mine hasnt kicked in yet? Or maybe I'll be one of the lucky ones? I sure hope so 🙃 xx

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Niki_B profile image
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28 Replies

Me! I am not sure then if I started to get some through anxiety or just the pregnancy. But really besides the sore boobs and tiredness I hardly had any to begin with. Thank your lucky stars that you don't. Not everyone does, but those that do sometimes suffer awfully.

Good luck Nikki, try to relax! Ha ha. How many times have people said that to you over the last few years??

Big virtual hugs to you. I am sure you will start to get some nausea, and then it will disappear and freak you out, then return. I remember my sore boobs used to disappear and I would freak only to awake in the night with them feeling terrible. Apparently as the hormones ebb and surge, that is what causes the symptoms to appear and disappear too. So if you do get any be prepared for that to happen too xx

Niki_B profile image
Niki_B in reply to

Yes I should thank my lucky stars, it's just hard after what I went through last year. Haha yes I've heard... relax far too many times lol currently hearing it alot from my fiance ☺

Thanks camillage, all these replies are making me feel more at ease 😁😘❤

in reply to Niki_B

I have everything crossed for you. Stay safe and be good to yourself xx

Niki_B profile image
Niki_B in reply to

Thank you and same to you 🤗😘❤

Kelz2020 profile image

I’m 6+4 and have had no nausea. Sometimes I get a really hungry feeling and will get a mild sicky feeling of hunger if that makes sense. Also not very sore boobs. Saw my babies heart beat just a few days ago but the lack of symptoms other then lower back ache which I’ve had from the start is concerning me. Seems silly to be looking for symptoms but I know what you mean.

Niki_B profile image
Niki_B in reply to Kelz2020

Congrats to you too hun! Yes I know what you mean, but I'm eating so much lately I dont give myself ti e to get too hungry lol. And I'm trying not to compare pregnancies...I was really sick last time and well that didnt work out! So who knows. I'm sure everything is fine with both of us guess we should be lucky! My boobs are super sore tho onlynwearing sports bras thank gosh for the lockdown 🤣🤣 take care 😘❤

Congratulations on your pregnancy 😁

I didn’t have any nausea with both of my full term pregnancies ( my 21 year old son & 10 month old daughter) every pregnancy will be different in terms of symptoms. In terms of symptoms all I had was sore boobs & tiredness in the early weeks.Also it’s normal for symptoms to come & go especially as the pregnancy hormone levels out. I’d say not to worry but I know that’s nigh on impossible I spent my whole pregnancy with my daughter worrying ☹️ it’s sad we don’t get to enjoy it more after such a long struggle to get there. Wishing you the best with your pregnancy xxx

Niki_B profile image
Niki_B in reply to

Thanks jess 😁 yes it's very hard not to worry, seems like that's all I've done for the past couple years! Glad to hear so many replies of woman not being sick..,guess I should thank my lucky stars! Thanks for your reply take care of you and yours 🤗❤

I never suffered from nausea and didn’t really suffer from any pregnancy symptoms and all was fine. My little girl is 2 now. Every pregnancy is different but doesn’t stop you worrying xx

Niki_B profile image
Niki_B in reply to

Thanks so much for your reply. Yes the constant worry is annoying but luckily I'm not as bad as I was last time. Take care of yourself and that wee girl 🤗😍❤

Jobo-Mollie profile image

I never had any nausea in my first pregnancy with my little girl. Just sore boobs for the first few weeks and then nothing really! I spent the whole time worrying but she was perfect. Every pregnancy is different to the next. Try and enjoy if you can it goes too quickly! Xx

Niki_B profile image
Niki_B in reply to Jobo-Mollie

Thanks hun, yes gosh my boobs are sore can barely touch them much! But they help keep the worry at bay a bit lol take care of yourself and that wee girl 🤗😘❤

MrsH86 profile image

Hiya congrats on your pregnancy 😊.

I had a really similar experience earlier on in my pregnancy, nausea (and unfortunately vomiting) didn’t start for me until I was past 8 weeks so I was pretty paranoid even though I had seen baby doing well on an early scan. I too had had an MMC where I had initially been sick very early on and then stopped.

However I got to 12 week scan and baby was big and healthy and dancing around so honestly every pregnancy is different. Hopefully you will be one of the lucky ones who gets a sickness free pregnancy but I can completely understand the weird feeling of wanting to feel nauseous just as extra proof almost.

Hope the rest of your pregnancy is healthy and happy ❤️ x

Niki_B profile image
Niki_B in reply to MrsH86

Hi hun, wow yes sounds very similar to me. It's hard not to worry after having a MMC as you know, but yes hopefully I'm ome of the luckily ones this time. The sore boobs are a killer though! So that is helping me keep sane and not worry as much as with my MMC that started slowly fading too. Thanks for your kind words 😘❤

Winter_Girl profile image

Hi Nikki. Congratulations!

I understand the anxiety it causes when you don't feel sick, but I didn't experience nausea at all throughout my entire pregnancy. In the early stages I was convinced it was all going to go wrong because I barely had any symptoms, but thankfully it didn't! I had my viability scan at 8 weeks, then a private scan at 10.

Like you, I ate A LOT. Pizza and curries were my favourites in the first trimester!

It is SO hard, but try to enjoy it. Xx

in reply to Winter_Girl

Haha my craving with Francesca was chip shop chips 🍟 I could smell them from an incredible distance 😂 normally I can’t stand takeaway chips!!!! xxx

Sunshine92 profile image
Sunshine92 in reply to Winter_Girl

Oh my goodness! I’m currently 9 weeks pregnant, had NO symptoms whatsoever but could quite happily eat pizza and curry all day every day for every meal! Once i get the thought of them in my head i simply will not be satisfied with anything else 😂 x

Kelz2020 profile image
Kelz2020 in reply to Sunshine92

Snap hardly any symptoms still! But further behind you... Crazy isn’t it xx

Winter_Girl profile image
Winter_Girl in reply to Sunshine92

Haha! I was the same! Couldn't get enough x

Niki_B profile image
Niki_B in reply to Winter_Girl

Hahaha omg I shit you not I had a homemade pizza yesterday for my birthday made by my fiance, homemade dough and all 🤤🤤 (pizza has always been my fav) and today I had a chicken korma curry with garlic roti 🤤🤤 hahah too funny!! Thanks hun I feel more at ease hearing all these responses, luckily I'm not half as worried as I was last year from my IVF pregnancy...maybe cause this one has happened naturally and I'm with the right man...just feels...right 😁💕

Winter_Girl profile image
Winter_Girl in reply to Niki_B

Haha! That's so funny! We love homemade pizza in our house - you can't beat it! Ahhh, that's lovely. Good luck for the rest of your pregnancy xx

Blue1986 profile image

It’s hard not to overthink every small detail. I didn’t have any morning sickness until week 10/11 and then I only threw up twice. My only symptom really was sore boobs. I am sure everything is ok.

EmGLA profile image

I am being sick at least 6 times a day (currently 15 weeks) and have been since week 5. As much as it was reassuring initially to have a symptom, I honestly wish it would ease up! It’s so draining.

I’ll keep my fingers crossed for a good result for you and that you don’t get sick either 😃.


My last pregnancy (natural) ended in MMC at 10 weeks with baby stopping growing at 6 weeks. I didnt have any symptoms. This pregnancy (IVF) I have had very mild nausea which only came in waves and is worse when I'm hungry then it goes. Scan at 7bweeks was ok. I was really worried as I had no other symptoms other than migraines but that's likely due to the progesterone. To put my mind at ease, we booked a private scan at 11 weeks and baby was killing away like a kick boxer. Try not to worry about symptoms and stay relaxed for your little baby. If its possible book a scan, it's the best thing we did xx

Coles2020 profile image

Hi, Nikki, I’m 6+6 today and I haven’t really had any symptoms apart from feeling groggy 🥴 and very very occasionally mildly nauseous to the point I’m questioning it! I’ constantly feel hungry - the eating seems to take the groggyness feeling away. However I did give up vaping b4 my treatment which could be the reason for the hunger. I think 🤔 tbh we not going to stop worrying and questioning things until baby is safely in our arms - big hugs 🤗 and all the positivity xx

Jorab profile image

Hi Niki_B

Although struggling to get pregnant now, I do have a 4year old son. I didn't get any nausea all through my pregnancy. I was told some mums only get nauseated in the third trimester but I didn't get that either. Some people said you are more likely to get morning sickness with a girl than a boy but that is probably just a myth. I hope that helps to know you don't always get morning sickness in pregnancy. xx

Corchi profile image

I had zero nausea with my first and in this pregnancy I feel nausea all day all night. Thank your lucky stars and enjoy this time as much as you can! Easier said than done I know!!!

fifilamore82 profile image

I’m in a similar situation - I’m currently 7 weeks and got pregnant naturally following a failed IVF cycle last October and Endometriosis surgery in January. I have super sore boobs and find myself crying a lot. Not been particularly tired but furloughed from work so not doing much to make me tired! Have been really worried about having no morning sickness or nausea. Google has been my worst enemy! Thinking of getting a private scan to put my mind at rest but also terrified that I will have had a MMC - it’s so difficult

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