Another eptopic- heartbroken - Fertility Network UK

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Another eptopic- heartbroken

Sarah83ap profile image
33 Replies

Currently at the hospital alone (you can’t have visitors with you not even partners because of COVID ) waiting fo an operation which will remove my right tube meaning I will never be able to conceive naturally as they removed my left years ago. I can’t believe this is happening to me! I feel so damaged and broken. Why won’t my body just work! I feel sad for the little fetus that’s not gonna make it because my body has let it down before they could even begin!

Sorry for the depressing message I feel so alone especially not having anyone at the hospital with me!

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Sarah83ap profile image
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33 Replies
Picalilli99 profile image

Oh no Sarah. I’m so sorry that you are going through this. Absolutely devastating anyway, but then having to go it alone in the hospital - I can’t even begin to imagine how hard that must be for you. Not sure what I can say but just wanted to send love ❤️ and say we are here for you lovely xxx

ttcemmie profile image

Oh Sarah I'm so so so sorry to hear this. And it is especially awful you having to go through this alone. It's not you, it's not anything your body is doing wrong, it's just terrible terrible bad luck. Hopefully you have good luck in other areas of your life to make up for this. Here for you and so sorry you're going through this. Sending lots of love and hugs. xxx

Tiddly1984 profile image

Hi Sarah, I’m so sorry that you’re going through this and that you feel so alone right now. It’s awful that people are having to go through such heartache made all the more traumatising because of the current circumstances. Please know that you are in my thoughts and I’m hoping that everything goes smoothly for you during your operation. I also hope that the medical staff take good care of you and that you recover soon. One last thing, you’re not broken and never have been. You are more than just one part of you and you are still capable of so much. I hope in the days to come and as you gain your strength you begin to realise just how strong you are and that your life still holds so much meaning and possibility including that of becoming a mother. You’ll be back with your husband soon. All the best...x

Faith103 profile image

Can they not save the tube

Sarah83ap profile image
Sarah83ap in reply to Faith103

No they said if they did save it, it’s highly likely have another eptopic. They said they recommend going down the IVF route for a safe pregnancy x

Faith103 profile image
Faith103 in reply to Sarah83ap

🤦‍♀️ oh no. I just wanted to make sure you ask because I lost my right tube and baby but it was only until after I found out that sometimes the tube can be saved. I think my had ruptured as I had internal blood in my pelvic maybe that’s why they couldn’t save it. How far gone are you. Your body can get pregnant which is good it just needs help with the journey xxxx 😃

Sarah83ap profile image
Sarah83ap in reply to Faith103

5.5 weeks. Mine hasn’t ruptured but they said it’s still growing like it would in my uterus. I have asked them to save it if they can but they said they don’t think they will be able too.

Faith103 profile image
Faith103 in reply to Sarah83ap

So unfair really is. I was 6.5 weeks I was in agony. They said baby was a big baby xxxx are you going down for surgery tonight or in the morning

Sarah83ap profile image
Sarah83ap in reply to Faith103

Went down last night but just waiting to see how it went. Feels like it’s taking forever xx

Faith103 profile image
Faith103 in reply to Sarah83ap

I hope you are okay. How are you feeling xxx I’m so very sorry xxxx

amandac84 profile image

Oh Sarah I’m so sorry so devastating for you and even more so being alone. Sending you all the virtual love and hugs. No one deserves this xx

Core profile image

I’m so so sorry it must be so tough not having your partner with you. Sending you lots of love and know that you have so much support xx

I am so sorry to read this. Please know that you are not alone - you have an army of people behind you!

Obviously you are grieving and have every right to be full of anger and feeling betrayed, but try and remember that your body is only doing its best - your body loves you and is trying so hard to give you and your future child what you need xx

My friend had both tubes removed (I also can't conceive naturally because of retrograde ejaculation), but she has two little girls now. It WILL happen, it is just time and healing...this is a long, painful road, but there is light at the end.

Be kind to yourself (and your body) xxxxx

Thinking of you xx

Sarah love, I had my operation today to remove my dead baby from my womb. I was alone too in the room, I haven’t seen my hubby for 7 hours.

I am so so so sorry but I’m with you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️I know the pain you’re going through right now, and I’m here to help you please reach out to me if you feel like it. I can keep you company. You’re not alone in there, I’m with you 💗

We are not broken, we are just VERY UNLUCKY- life is so unfair but we got to keep fighting, this will make us stronger love.

It will take time but we will be stronger.

Sending a huge amount of love xxx

Sarah83ap profile image
Sarah83ap in reply to

I’m so so sorry to hear what’s happened to you!! How are you feeling today?

I’ve just got home. I’m in lots of pain and can’t stand up straight.

I can’t help but think that of my tubes worked properly my little life I was creating could of become anything they wanted to be and that breaks my heart. I was dreading coming home tbh as the last time I was here I was feeling so happy.

I’m pleased to be back with my OH tho so we can deal with this together.

Also not knowing when I can do IVF what with COVID-19 is hard.

Life is giving out a lot of lemons at the moment and the lemonade is sour! Lol

Sending you lots of love Izzy! I hope you have a good amount of support around you to help you thorough this and as you say please feel free to contact me when ever you need a perk up. I can be good at that xxx

AuroraXen profile image

I'm so sorry Sarah. This is so sad to hear. I wish I had words to make it easier. There will be a way through this 💞 As dark as things seem, there is always hope. Stay as strong as you can but when you can't be a warrior, remember it's healthy to grieve and mourn. Wishing you all the best for your recovery x

So so sorry u had to go through this. Sending all my love and hug virtually x ❤️ you are strong

Hope4040 profile image

Sending you lots of love xxx

Im really sorry to hear that. i know it is not easy and it is probably even more upsetting having to go threw this alone. It is not your fault. You did not bring this upon yourself. There is nothing that you could have done differently to change the outcome. You must just be strong.

Sarah83ap profile image
Sarah83ap in reply to

Thank you for your reply. It really doesn’t feel like that at the moment. I feel like a completely broken women xx

in reply to Sarah83ap

Im sorry hun but don't beat yourself up about it. It really is difficult and it is not an easy process. I know how heartbreaking it easy but you need to trust that you are not to blame and it does not make you lease of a woman. Im sure you did everything possible to get that far but sometimes it is out of our hands. Just take it easy.

Sarah83ap profile image
Sarah83ap in reply to

❤️ Thank you fir you kind words xx

Cinderella5 profile image

Im so so sorry to hear your update Sarah! Its incredibly cruel and unfair. Im also sorry that you're having to be on your own at the moment too, it must be awful! Sending love and

Sarah83ap profile image
Sarah83ap in reply to Cinderella5

Thank you ! Just so heartbroken. I don’t understand why this can be so hard for some. I feel like the dream is getting further away while I watch everyone else get theirs and I’m beginning to lose that hope xx

12356 profile image

Sending you hope and ❤❤❤❤❤

Lots8788 profile image

Oh hun I am so so sorry xx massive hugs to you x x

Rosie1971 profile image

We are all with you in here. Hope you are back with your loved ones again. Take care at this terrible time xxxx

FluffyPink profile image

So very sad to hear you are going through this, Sarah 😢 You are being so incredibly brave. It must be so hard to be in hospital by yourself with no support. Just wanted you to know we are thinking of you and wrapping our arms around you.


Kurstx profile image

So sorry your having to go through this and alone 💔 thinking of you and sending lots of love to you ❤️❤️ xx

Chloettc2020 profile image

I’ve been there hun. This was me in December! You will feel horrible & broken but it gets better I promise. DM me if you’d like to talk xx

Sarah83ap profile image
Sarah83ap in reply to Chloettc2020

Thank you. Woke up today just numb. Just feel so silly fir daring to think that things were going in the right direction. I know I’ll get through it but it’s so hard when you can’t even get an action plan together cos if this poxy virus!

Hope you are ok! I can’t wait to feel abit better. Xx

KiboXX profile image

I’m so sorry you’re going through this Sarah, especially with everything going on in the world meaning you’ve had to do it alone. Just wanted to send you a hug and let you know I’m thinking of you ♥️ xxx

Sarah83ap profile image
Sarah83ap in reply to KiboXX

Thank you for your kindness x

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