My OH has totally shut me out, he refuses to talk about the last sperm sample where they found no live ones, he’s drinking heavily and I’m going mad as I know the drink will effect the sperm and when I tell him that he just laughs, I don’t think he cares anymore. What can I do? I’m so alone and desperate all I ever wanted was my own family but I can’t carry on like this, I’m starting to see my hair is falling out with the stress of it all, I juts wanted a baby and to be happy and be a mum and be normal like everyone else why can’t this happen for me I’m so lost and feel so alone I’m not even sure if I still love him,
I can’t talk to my family because I already feel a failure that I can’t have kids and now it’s looking like I won’t be able to keep my OH either, when did life get so hard.