Happy to be on the scans section of this round of IVF! Yay!
Our clinic is 1.5 to 2 hours away so set off nice and early this morning. My parents picked me up as my husband needs to be in work this week.
Clinic was busy as usual these days. Receptionist was cranky as usual. You have to ask permission to enter through the intercom and they are not letting anyone in who has a cough/sneeze etc. Fair enough with the coronavirus, but it wasn't very friendly and it's not like I'm not going to come in!!!
Sooooo follicle-wise I had 9 on my right size and 11-12 on my left size, so 20ish overall! Quite happy with that! I have one at 12mm already, and then 10 of them are less than 6mm, but that means the rest aren't too bad. I am super happy with knowing I have 20 follicles even if half of them are small. They've upped my dose of Gonal-f to 300 and I'm in a good place.
Only weird thing was that I took my Cetrotide this morning, and the nurse said morning is correct (for my clinic/schedule), but I shouldn't have taken it this morning as I should have a scan first to see how my follicles are doing. So not entirely sure what that means...... that they should have not put it in my schedule for today or that they should have put in a scan for yesterday?! They said it's okay as I have one follicle above 12mm and so it's all worked out okay, but not to take Cetrotide before a scan in future. So if that comes up in a future schedule, I know to query it!