Pregnancy test - evap line or positive? - Fertility Network UK

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Pregnancy test - evap line or positive?

Dogmum37 profile image
47 Replies

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Was hoping someone may be able to give me some advice on a test result. Had to create a new profile as I had forgotten my previous one it’s been so long :(

I’m 7dp5dt of a PGS tested embryo. My official test day is this Sunday 11days post transfer. Ever since transfer day last Wednesday I’ve had period like cramps that have built and built. Monday they were very sharp, low down and dragging. I’ve had thigh pain also just like before a period arrives. Since Monday I have had spotting sometimes brown (apologies for TMI), stringy or even almost like a large black clot. My consultant said the pain could be from my adenomyosis flaring up (I used prostap leading up to the FET to suppress this and the endometriosis I have).

Today the spotting has turned a brighter pink/red on wiping so I thought stuff it, put myself out of my misery and test now. I got this result and I’m so confused. I always get stark white. 8 transfers from 4 cycles - always. I thought it may be an evap line. It’s a clear blue rapid detection test. Or possibly a faint line as our embryo has tried to stick but not managed it.

After so long of blank tests I guess I’m looking for advice from anyone who has more insight to me xxxx

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Dogmum37 profile image
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47 Replies
Afrohair profile image

It depends when you looked at it again !if you straight away thought negative it probably is if you put it down a while and noticed that line .it’s an evap could try testing again I really hope it’s positive for you though best to check again x

Dogmum37 profile image
Dogmum37 in reply to Afrohair

This was from as soon as the 3 minute time was up - so straight away xx

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to Dogmum37

Could be positive then😊check again tomorrow x

Dogmum37 profile image
Dogmum37 in reply to Afrohair

I’m gonna pop to Boots in a bit for some early detection ones to test with tomorrow’s pee. Thanks Afrohair. Xx

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to Dogmum37

I would if it’s positive it will be darker tomorrow!good luck 😊

Dogmum37 profile image
Dogmum37 in reply to Afrohair

Thanks... and thanks for your advice xx

FrancyItaly profile image

It seems positive but check with a Frer! Exciting! 😊

Dogmum37 profile image
Dogmum37 in reply to FrancyItaly

Boots trip it is. The spotting being more like a period is stopping me from getting my hopes up for now xxx

ttcemmie profile image

This looks positive to me, but you're testing so early! You crazy lady. You'll just have to take more tests. Try not to worry about the spotting, though, as this doesn't mean you're not pregnant. xxxx

Dogmum37 profile image
Dogmum37 in reply to ttcemmie

🙈I don’t normally test early. But this one has been so strange. I’ve never spotted this early since a hysteroscopy to remove polyps. And I’ve definately not had so many cramps. So I just tested to get it out the way expecting it to just be my bodies way of saying it’s all over and to top it off you can have your period early too xxx

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to Dogmum37

Every cycle is different! It's not over!

RhinoCat profile image

I can see it 😘💖💐💐💐💐🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😘😘😘💫💫💫💫💫

Dogmum37 profile image
Dogmum37 in reply to RhinoCat

Never seen anything before. Hoping it stays around I really am praying for it to🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻xxxx

RhinoCat profile image
RhinoCat in reply to Dogmum37

I’ve only ever seen it on other people’s walls 😘😘😘😘😘🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩💗💗💗💗💗🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💫💫💫💫 I’ve read several people saying that it can be a good sign that it comes up before test day as embryo must have implanted quickly 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Hoping it’s your good one ☝️ 🙏🏻😘😘🤩🤩💖🎉🎉👌🏻👌🏻💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐

Dogmum37 profile image
Dogmum37 in reply to RhinoCat

Me too. Just worried about the spotting/bleeding. Thanks for your thoughts🙏🏻 hoping we get some luck as I’m knackered after this FET - I’ve been on immune suppressants too xxx

RhinoCat profile image
RhinoCat in reply to Dogmum37

Bless your heart . Exhausting thinking about it and then there’s allllll of the drugs. Just rest as much as you can and remember to breathe deep and chill . Lots of ladies mention the bleeding spotting thing. Try not to hook on the negatives too much, it’s a positive for today . Rest in that , tomorrow has enough worries of its own .

One day at a time ,

Tight hugs 🤗 😘💐💐💐💐

Dogmum37 profile image
Dogmum37 in reply to RhinoCat

Ahh thank you for such lovely words. Xxxxx

Emmaxxx profile image

Test again but definitely use FRER test xx

Dogmum37 profile image
Dogmum37 in reply to Emmaxxx

Thanks Emmaxxx - Gonna pick some up from boots. Just a bit concerned about the spotting seeming more like a proper period xx

Tiddly1984 profile image

Looks positive to me. 💐🎉💐

Dogmum37 profile image
Dogmum37 in reply to Tiddly1984

Fingers crossed xx

Looks positive to me xxx 😍😍maybe try pink color tests rather than a blue dye test?

Dogmum37 profile image
Dogmum37 in reply to

That a good idea. A different colour may help distinguish xx

Ranchu90 profile image

I don’t believe in evap lines. A positive is a positive! Try to do a test at random you will never see a evap line. I asked once my fertility doctor and she agreed with me.

I strongly believe that your test is positive.

Good luck ❤️

Dogmum37 profile image
Dogmum37 in reply to Ranchu90

That’s really interesting as after all the negatives I have had previously both from the 8 transfers and times trying naturally, you’re absolutely right I’ve never had an evap line 🙈 makes a lot of sense. Thank you for that xxx

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to Dogmum37

I think Evap lines show more on Ovulation test rather than pregnancy tests because I’ve never got an evap on a pregnancy test but I’ve had faint lines like that and I’ve been pregnant!so if that’s the case I’d say you were pregnant the bleeding could be implantation x

I see it 😍 Congratulations and best wishes 💗

Dogmum37 profile image
Dogmum37 in reply to

Keeping everything crossed it stays xx

in reply to Dogmum37


That is definitely a positive hun... I see it. i also tested 7days post transfer and thank the lord i got my big fat positive. I used a digital detector as well as a early detector with clear blue and all was positive. It really is difficult trying to hang on until you get your bloods done. I know it is not easy so just take it one day at a time and enjoy it. Dont stress yourself. Test again tomorrow morning. If you feel you need to be certain get 2 test maybe 3 LOL...they all can't be wrong. We have to just trust in the process. im so scared especially after all the miscarriages and etopic pregnancy but all we can do is hang on to some hope. i wish you all the best of luck.

Dogmum37 profile image
Dogmum37 in reply to

Thank you! Wishing you all the best also. It’s certainly a roller coaster this whole thing that’s for sure xx

KiboXX profile image

I definitely see that line! Definitely a line and that’s not even one of the early ones right? Congrats!x

Dogmum37 profile image
Dogmum37 in reply to KiboXX

Hi yes it was just one of the non digital clear blue ones. But I did an FRER today and a digital and got a positive 🙏🏻😊 we are made up and hopeful it sticks xx

Jennah20 profile image
Jennah20 in reply to Dogmum37

Congratulation to you, i had same situation as you mention but after i got blood clot when i took pregnancy test it shows negative:( idk what happened the first two pregnancy test i used it show both possitive so maybe i got miscarriage:(

Dogmum37 profile image
Dogmum37 in reply to Jennah20

Jennah20 I’m so sorry to hear what happened 💔 the whole process is so hard and tumultuous with all the possibilities. I was silly yesterday afternoon and tested about 3pm and got a negative on digital clear blue after two previous positives with then using morning wee for two days. Though I had had a chemical pregnancy. Spent all night crying. Just tested at 5am and it says pregnant again. My husband has hidden all my tests and is just giving me one each morning now on my request to stop me torturing myself xx

Jennah20 profile image
Jennah20 in reply to Dogmum37

Yes it is really sad, and made me crazy too but now trying to be ok and looking forward for vacation instead to think about what happened.Maybe you should go for Check up or Ultrasound to make sure that baby is fine???

Dogmum37 profile image

We’re still a bit shocked and it’s obviously early days so don’t want to count our blessings to early... but I wanted to post a little update after all the great advice and lovely support given. I did an FRER test today as many of you suggested and I got a stronger like than yesterday. I then did a clear blue digital just to see and take away the interpretation of it all... the result flashed up as pregnant! We couldn’t believe it! Still going to test on the clinics prescribed day also - hoping our embryo sticks around and that our dream really has come true 🙏🏻🤞🏻 xx thanks to you all for your advice xx

KiboXX profile image
KiboXX in reply to Dogmum37

Amazing news. Congrats!♥️

Dogmum37 profile image
Dogmum37 in reply to KiboXX

Thank you 💓 we’re made up! Xx

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to Dogmum37

So happy for you congratulations honey ❤️

Dogmum37 profile image
Dogmum37 in reply to Afrohair

Thanks so much! We’re made up. From this 4th cycle we got 2/6 normal PGS tested embryos. The first one ended in a negative result. This one initially came back as ‘no result’ so we took the risk for it to be biopsied a 2nd time and the result was normal. This embryo has certainly been through it - two thaws and re-freezes... the las embryo from this cycle. And here we are after 4 years of trying and 2 years of back to back ivf. It feels surreal xx

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to Dogmum37

I’m so happy for you hun you deserve him/her xx

in reply to Dogmum37

Amazing hun all the best... if things plan out for us we should be expecting our bundles of joys around about the same time. im fingers crossed hey and POSITIVE THOUGHTS

Dogmum37 profile image
Dogmum37 in reply to

Wow congratulations to you xx 😘 positive thoughts and hugs xx

ChloeDE profile image


I am in a similar situation. I did my first test 8dp5dt. There was a line there but very faint (using a frer). I have since tested on 10dp and 12dp and the line is getting darker. However, I am still anxious as my line isn't as dark as some of the others I have seen online. I am hoping it's because my pee isn't very concentrated and that I just implanted a little later.

If you're having some bleeding, I would recommend getting your progesterone levels checked. If they are too low, this might be what's causing the bleeding. X

Dogmum37 profile image
Dogmum37 in reply to ChloeDE

Hi - my lines on FRER were faint but I’m getting positives on the less sensitive digital. I’ve asked my husband to hide my non digital ones now as after a bit of googling it seems you can drive yourself potty comparing line darkness and even the manufacturers online FAQ’s said the darkness isn’t an accurate indicator. I guess it’s wait for beta bloods to be truly sure levels are increasing sufficiently every 2/3 days.

When I had the spotting my consultant said to add a third pessary in just to ease my mind. It’s almost negligible now and there’s no pink or fresh blood, just small smudges or old brown (sorry for TMI!). Fingers crossed 🤞🏻wishing you lots of luck also xx

ChloeDE profile image
ChloeDE in reply to Dogmum37

Thanks. I hope it all works out for you too. X

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