So I had embryo transfer almost 15 days ago, been experiencing cramping and headaches. Saw some ‘brownish’ blood or something like that yesterday. Not a period but really worried. Did anyone else experience this? I am due to take my test tomorrow n I’m nervous eek 😬
Pregnancy test : So I had embryo... - Fertility Network UK
Pregnancy test

Hoping that sounds like implantation bleeding hun xx sending lots of luck for your test Tomo xx
Sounds encouraging to me! Best of luck.
Hope so feeling a bit low at mo
I had no symtoms for either of my pregnancies (one ivf, one natural) so don't worry if you're not feeling much else yet! For the natural I had a tiny bit of brown spotting a few days after period was due bit still hadn't come. That's the most encouraging sign, the lack of period is good.
Keep the faith for a bit longer. You'll know soon!
Well done for not testing early! I hope you get positive results tomorrow. It is such a hard wait....
It is right? Yes been hard not to test but trying to keep pre occupied, I originally thought we were going to test Monday (would be our 2nd wedding anniversary) so glad it’s before that in a way
Nothing prepares you for this ... I am preparing for my second round and my biggest worry it this test ... I wish they did blood tests, instead of testing at home. After all these years it just give me anxiety to even see a test For what is worth I had your symptoms and I had a positive result although in the end it ended in CP, but that is irrelevant ...
I wish you the best of luck!!! And happy anniversary! It is important to enjoy and be grateful for what we do have instead of focusing on what we want!
I had lots of brown blood spotting prior to getting my bfp and for a couple of weeks after. Now my little girl is just over 6 weeks old. It's a good sign Best wishes to you x
So an update... my test was negative 👎. Do I need to stop taking pessary? Was told to test again in a week too