2 ww symptoms: Apologies nfor the long... - Fertility Network UK

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2 ww symptoms

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Apologies nfor the long post I've gone of on a tangent. So this 2 ww is driving me crazy. I'm day 5 post embryo transfer and literally going out my mind just thinking symptom spotting it's awful. Can't recall the grade but it was a good one and was already hatching on transfer day. I've had few twinges here and there and yesterday I had period type pain most of the day. Today is day 5 and I've woke and still got bit of period pain so now I'm thinking AF is on her way.

Now I know everyone is different but I'm just seeing what everyone 2ww symptoms were like when they got a BFP.

This time I had an ICSI cycle and was 100 more successful than my last round which was IVF which ended in chemical. I we got 5 eggs 3 fertilised all reaching blastocyst stage. Last time I was testing from day 4 and got positives then on my official second test day was negative. Hospital said was a CP. So obviously this time round I'm so scared so not testing until day 10 then 13.

I guess if there was maybe some sign or implantation bleeding I'd be that little but more hopeful?! Roll on Tuesday my test date then I guess I can kind of get on with things as I'll know and I'm back at work also so I guess I will be preoccupied but then my brain goes in panic mode thinking what if it's not good news how can I keep it together?! πŸ€―πŸ˜‚

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11 Replies
Hopefullyhappy profile image

Aw Emma-rose I feel your pain, we are in exactly the same place as you with test date next Tue too and I know how hard this is for you. I too have been trying to ignore symptoms and keep busy (I'm lucky I can work at home at the moment) but it is sooooo hard. I've been analysing my night sweats which I usually get before AF is due and I've had on D2 and d3pt and googling like mad which isn't really helping.

I also have the same fear of even trying to think about anything post test day.

I have everything crossed for you, be strong we can get through this x

in reply to Hopefullyhappy

Thank you. I think us women are our own worst enemy at times. I promised my husband I wouldn't Google and I wouldn't symptom spot but I can't just help it. I worked from home last time but it just didn't work out too well haha!.

I haven't had any symptoms apart a little bit of boob tenderness but and period pain more so the last 2 days but AF is due Monday. So it could well be that.

Well I wish you all the luck in the world and I will be thinking of you. Xx

Keepingfaith85 profile image

Hi Emma-rose, I know just what you mean! I'm 5dp5dt and it's just started to feel stressful!

Like Hopefullyhappy my OTD is next Tuesday too so I'm going to hold out until then as it's a blood test and I don't want to second guess anything before.

I had night sweats last night too! The first 2 days I had period type pains but only a few twinges since. I don't feel any different at all other than exhaustion from the medication. I'm trying to stay hopeful but it's tough. I haven't had any spotting or anything like that, although I was hoping for that sign too!

How are you feeling? I was all positivity and light then yesterday I was moody and irritable πŸ˜‚

🀞fingers crossed for you ❀️ xx

in reply to Keepingfaith85

Nice to hear from someone who is at the exact same point as me. I have been quite emotional, I'm happy, moody, negative, I've cried twice but I know it is the hormones.

I feel ok although the lack of symptoms is worrying me a little. I've had twinges probably since the day of transfer but I would say the last 2 days more so of period pain so I'm going into my negative mind frame with it not worked.

It's awful isn't it. Well I guess we are nearly there!! All the best for us all πŸ™πŸ€žπŸŒˆ xx

Keepingfaith85 profile image
Keepingfaith85 in reply to

My pains felt exactly like period pains too. I'd never had that with either of my other transfers. It went away by 3dp and now I miss it because surely it could be s good sign? I've read that implantation pains feel similar to period pains and would be likely to feel them at day 3/4. As you can see I have not been staying away from google πŸ˜‚ Xx

in reply to Keepingfaith85

Haha we both sound crazy my google search for the past 2 weeks is the same in fact if it could speak as I open it it would tell me!

We've not got long left 🀞🀞 xx

Keepingfaith85 profile image
Keepingfaith85 in reply to

Yeah I'm gonna get out and about today and look at the world πŸ˜‚ Not long to go, you are right xx

RhinoCat profile image

It was about day 4/5 I found it tough too. Think my google searching was just plain crazy . I decided to watch some stuff on Netflix, met friends for coffee, went on slow gentle walks, read some of a book, organised in the kitchen etc etc Defo write down things to do each day. Even go for a drive to waste some time πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ I used the mindful ivf app two times a day and the Calm app. They were great for panic moments .

It’s a tough journey but , 6 days are tucked away, nearly one whole week away βœ… you can do this πŸ˜˜πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ» hold tight 😘


Rhinocatx πŸ’

Keepingfaith85 profile image
Keepingfaith85 in reply to RhinoCat

I particularly like that you 'read some of a book' hehe that made me chuckle. Thanks for the tips RhinoCat 😘 You are such a fab person and I hope you are feeling a little stronger day by day xxx

Thank you. I was fine my first week but this last week since having the transfer last Saturday I have really struggled. I'm fine when hubby comes home. I've literally got 2 more working days left as I go back to work on Tuesday so very nearly there.

My hubby told me to go for a drive. I bought a book to read bit haven't got the concentration to read it!!

Thank you, good luck on your journey too xx

ttcemmie profile image

Bit late, sorry, but well done on trucking through the 2ww crazies. Symptom spotting can be pointless, but a fun game we all like to play! And impossible to avoid. Can understand not having the concentration to read a book. Can you do a stuff clear out while having TV/YouTube on? (having multiple things occupying you at once). Can even do this while sitting down in front of your wardrobe! Sewing, uhhhhhh buying stuff online, Rightmove, creating a budget/forecast, this forum.... I am trying to find things for distraction. That's the key! Testing day is not too far away now! xxxx

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