Anyone else on their 2ww, I am 1 day post transfer and already going out of my mind. I have taken the 2w off work so I stress less but I have felt anxious all day and have not thought of anything else.
2 WW buddies : Anyone else on their 2ww... - Fertility Network UK
2 WW buddies

Me 👈 I am 3dp5dt and I have TOTALLY lost it. How shall we cope?

I worked through my first round but I stressed myself out so much I couldn’t cope, so I thought I’d take leave but kind of bored and restless 😬

When is your test date? I’m 1sept
I am so restless. Despite post-it notes in each room saying, 'no IVF googling' I am embarrassed to look through my search history. hahah. My beta test is August 28 but I am a POAS addict so I am probably going to be ripping open a FRER before then!

Haha 😂 have you resisted testing yet?
Box sets on Netflix etc are a great way to distract yourself for a few hours. Maybe arrange some nice things to do to get yourself out and about to help the time pass as quickly as possible. Try to avoid googling symptoms too much as it’ll drive you round the bend! Wishing you the very best of luck xx
Hi I am 2dp5dt, I’m off work too and glad I’m not there but also going bonkers! 😬 Having some aches and had a tiny bit of pinky discharge (tmi) don’t know what to think! Just trying to be positive! Hospital have said I can test at home this time and I’m googling how soon I can test! When are you both testing? Best of luck to everyone. Xx
I’m testing 1 sept but to be honest on my first round my af arrived before test date.
When is your test date and what do you have planned to keep you occupied? Have slight cramping after the transfer but I hate the cramps as it just makes me think af is on the way 😌
Same for me, 1st ivf cycle I started my period before my blood test date, but they still insisted I went for a blood test which was hard. I’ve been told to test on the 31st
I have some uni work to do so going to get on with that and I’m watching box sets! Anything to distract myself! Good luck xx
I’m in the tww - 3dp5dt. I’m always open for a chat if you need one. This is the first tww I’ve taken some time off and it actually feels quite strange xx
How are you feeling? Are you managing to keep yourself busy?
I’ve done a few nice things since Monday but yesterday came down with the worst migraine and have felt pretty rubbish since so just been resting. How about you? X
How are you feeling now? Migraine eased? I’m stressing out! Convinced I have serious pmt, constant aches and pains, snappy ect... but surely it’s too early 3dp for af!
Yeah thankfully my migraines gone,it was awful! I’m getting quite stressed to tbh, I’m convinced it hasn’t worked. Aches and pains can be a sign of implantation to so that might be a good thing!
I get regular migraines so fully understand they can be horrendous, I’m convinced it hasn’t worked too, I mean what are the odds of it working anyway? I’m such a pessimist 😝
Hi. I had my transfer too yesterday.
I’m just trying not to think about it but it’s so hard to do!!
Hope we all get positives !
Hi ladies. It is my transfer day today! This our 2nd FET. The 2ww is the hardest part of the process. Feels like an eternity!! 🙈 good luck to all you wonderful strong women! 💪🏼💕
Hi Ladies. My transfer was on Sunday and testing day on the 29th so next week at this time I will know 😊
Its impossible to stop thinking about it but work keeps me little bit busy. Can't wait though 😀
Good luck to all of us🤞😊👶🤰
Do you girls count the day of the transfer in your DPT? I had mine last Thursday 16th ARGHHHHHH
I had my transfer yesterday and I'm already climbing the walls. I'm off work at the minute but partly wish I wasn't as it's a great distraction. I'm trying to keep busy but it's hard to keep your mind busy on anything else. Didn't sleep at all well last night either...I'm hoping I'll be able to settle myself down a bit in a couple of days but we'll see. Good luck for the next two weeks, if you find any amazing ways to distract yourself let me know!! xx
I am well into the 2ww. I have 5 more days to test day and I am anxious all the time!! One thing that helped time go faster was watching movies and shows on Netflix!!! 😆 5 more days to go, I test on the 28th!! Please wish me luck!! Good luck to you!!
I’m a couple of weeks off but wanted to wish you the best of luck and baby dust x x
Dear ladies,
Good luck to all of you!!!
My advice for 2ww: Netflix & Puzzle's ☺️
Is anyone else finding that the pessaries are causing acne and hair to fall out more??? Or is it just me 😣
My hair fell out a bit x and I was definitely more oily skinned
Hello, I just had my frozen transfer today. Don’t feel any differently. Did anyone feel anything post transfer? Who knows what means what on this journey 😬
I have been cramping and had dull aches since transfer now 3dp5dt, I’m so convinced af is on its way! Anyone else who is similar?
I’m not on my 2WW yet but just wanted to wish you luck 🤞🏼🤞🏼 xxx
The pessaires are so gross at night. If I forget to wear a pantry liner the gooey, itchy mess goes everywhere and wakes me up. Otherwise I feel good on it. My AF is due Monday/ Tuesday but she won’t show up whilst on progesterone, right? I had this beautiful, awful dream where I was carrying my beautiful baby boy . I was so full of love. Then I put him in the pram, looked away, looked back and all I could see was plastic wrapping like the pram had never been used 😭Are you feeling anything yet?

Oh what a sad dream 😢
Yes I’m with you on the pessaries, I always wear a pad as they are so damn messy! I have been cramping constantly it’s been getting worse the last couple of days, I am really not feeling hopeful as I’m so sure af really wants to start. My af started whilst on pessaries, during my last ivf, so yes it’s def possible x
Hello, can I join? I am driving myself nuts and only 3 days post FET. No cramps at all but very bloated. Feeling like I should have been cramping by now and lack of is a bad sign 😢
I am now 5dpt and feeling calmer that I have been! I have been cramping since transfer and it is getting worse, I really don’t think that is a good sign, I would be gobsmacked if it was! I doubt you would be cramping as you had a fet, it’s much gentler on your uterus, less drugs ect , therefore a calmer environment for your embys.
Hey Gem5 thanks for reply! I have one DD from IVF2 and had lots of cramping from that, so I guess I’m basing my experiences on that. Definitely can be a good sign! Hang in there. Forgot what a rollercoaster it all is...
I’m 7dp5dt and have not tested yet, was wondering how all my fellow 2ww ladies are doing? Has anyone tested yet? How is everyone coping? I’m still crampy, not so bad now, no bleeding or spotting at all, had a bit of pre af migraine and anxiety
Hey! Time goes sooooooo slow. When is AF normally due for you? I am actually due on today and had spotting soooooo with that and my naughty bfn yesterday I am feeling I’m out 😕
With my 1st cycle I bleed 2 weeks after my trigger injection, so tomorrow would be my due on day! TMI I just wiped and had v small amount of blood, I’m now freaking out, desperately trying not to test!!!! I’m sure mine is game over too 😢
Are you using pessaries?
I just did a very naughty test and I have a very faint 2nd line? Is this potentially exciting???? 🤩
Wowwwser. Ohhhh I hope it progresses. Does hubby know?
Official OTD for me and it’s a BFN. Full flow AF started yesterday, right when she was due. I knew from 6dp it hadn’t worked. Oh well. I have a small hydro so it was likely that. Not ready for surgery though or for another round. It is all too much on body and mind so I am peacing out. Good luck to all you ladies. I hope your dreams come true xxx

Oh no I’m so so sorry for you, I truly believe we will all get our precious bfp one day. Look after self and make time to recoup mentally and physically. Thinking of you 😘 I know how it feels x