Does PND ever improve?: Hi all, as the... - Fertility Network UK

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Does PND ever improve?

Positive2022 profile image
β€’22 Replies

Hi all, as the title says really, has anyone made a full recovery from PND and / or PTSD? You are all amazing and so very supportive. I would be so grateful for some positive stories. Massively let down by the hospital today, wont bore anyone with the finer details but the situation has just spiralled me downhill so much and so quickly πŸ˜”

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Positive2022 profile image
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22 Replies

Hello Poppy ❀️, I have no experience but thought to send you some love and positive vibes πŸŒ»πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’

Hang in there and give your battles a good fight, don't let it take over you. Don't hesitate to reach out and get all the help you need. You are not alone.

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply to

Thank you for taking the time to respond, I'm feeling so alone right now and I hate worrying my family. The support on here means so much to me right now β™₯️

RhinoCat profile image

What is pnd pet? You mean post natal depression ? I have some ptsd issues but not diagnosed , I’m at the delayed trauma stage but it’s not ivf Related. Are you ok pet?

Here if you need me. Please message if you need to vent , I will listen .

Life is very hard at times and when you are in the blast zone ya can’t easily just stand up and be ok .

You feel crap right now. But it’s just for a season .

What have you had as support so far?

Sending hugs for now until I hear back from ya.


Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply to RhinoCat

Thank you for taking the time to respond. I hope you are okay too. I have been battling post natal depression and PTSD after undergoing fertility treatment and a very traumatic birth. Had a large postpartum haemorrhage and complications from my episiotomy scar requiring surgery. Admitted last week for the op, only to then be sent home as the hospital cancelled all operations with very limited info on what happens next. I was left alone, in tears in a side room with my husband. Dusted myself off and started phoning over the week to make plans for another date. Finally today I heard, they can't fit me in on a list. I still have no date. I had the coil fitted in January at the recommendation of gynaecology and my mood seems to just be spiralling down hill. Don't know whether it's the coil, surgery or both. Tried contacting GP, no capacity to be seen until next week. I am grateful to be seen but in Al honesty, I'm feeling so alone and don't even know who to go to for help now πŸ˜”

RhinoCat profile image
RhinoCat in reply to Positive2022

Oh bless you , you need emotional support right now .

Having to wait for help when you are in need is so tough. The only positive I can think of is..... the non emergency surgeries were cancelled πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

Would you feel better if you got a new date, even if it is a bit far away?

Have you looked on the Mind website?

Do you listen to the Calm or Headspace app? I find it helps when my anxiety climbs high. Have you had your hormones checked ? Maybe they’re a bit haywire and making you feel all over the place too ? Just a suggestion .

Have you had or can you get counselling ?

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply to RhinoCat

Thank you so much. I feel like an irritation to the hospital really, a number not a person. I think I would feel so much better if I had a date to aim for and part of my fertility issues were / are hormone related and so I'm wondering whether the coil has just sent my hormones crazy. I'm seriously considering having it removed. I will have a look at the mind website, thank you for your support. Hope you are okay and sending BIG hugs β™₯️

RhinoCat profile image
RhinoCat in reply to Positive2022

If you live in England you can self refer for help? Here is link that came up when I searched PND support

RhinoCat profile image
RhinoCat in reply to Positive2022

Ps you are not a number . You are Poppy149, you have been through a horrifically traumatic time and still not through it yet .

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply to RhinoCat

Thank you , your kind words mean so much β™₯️

melsawb82 profile image

Hi Poppy, I’m so sorry you’re having such a rough time. It sounds like you’ve been massively let down by the hospital. Are you having any help for the PND? I have a friend who’s had it since she had her little one, around the same time as ours (I remember we both conceived about the same time on clomid!). She’s much better now and very keen to help others also suffering. I could put you in touch if you’re keen to chat with someone who really gets it? Sending hugs xxx

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply to melsawb82

Thank you so much for your support. I feel so embarrassed and guilty for my diagnosis. I don't think I really coped very well going through all the fertility investigations and treatment and sort of feel emotionally quite fragile. Not helped by my physical symptoms which are definitely affecting my emotional state. Just needed to get things off my chest tonight. Hope you are okay and your friend is doing okay too. It would be great to chat to others who perhaps has had a similar experience or as you say 'gets it'. Sending BIG hugs too β™₯️

RhinoCat profile image

Have you been on this website? It’s pre and post natal

RhinoCat profile image

Here is the mind one I mentioned to save you looking :

RhinoCat profile image

Do you live in England ?

RhinoCat profile image

Here is another website with useful links : it focuses on pnd and mental well-being

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply to RhinoCat

Thank you so much, I will take a look at these. Yep I'm in England β™₯️

RhinoCat profile image
RhinoCat in reply to Positive2022

Oh brill then that referral link will work for you . Hope some of the info can help you process and find a path . Wish I could meet you for a cuppa, cry and a sort the world session . Ask for counselling help and reAch out on that link on the MIND website if you need to. You can do it! You deserve help! You are not bothering people , ask for what you need and be set free from this dark place. Better days will come, just hold on , tight .

Huge hugs sweet pet πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply to RhinoCat

Thank you so much, your help and support really means the world. This forum has literally been a lifesaver β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️😘😘😘😘😘

ttcemmie profile image

I find the medical system really underestimates the mental toll fertility, pregnancy, surgery, etc. has. When I had a miscarriage, they put me in a ward full of pregnant people. That's how little hospitals understand the mental impact!

I don't know much about PND, but I have struggled with mental health issues most of life and I am here to chat if you need. I can see that RhinoCat has reached out to you, and she is a lot more positive person than me so might be a bit more uplifting 😁 but I'm happy to be a backup. If you need to see a GP earlier than next week, some GPs offer a "triage" service where you can call up when they open and be put on a list to be called back that day by a GP who will determine how urgent you are etc. You can also call 111 and ask them what to do if you need help earlier. Personally, I am also seeing Talking Therapies which you can self refer to for counselling, and I find them great.

Sending you lots of love. Here for you. xxxxx

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply to ttcemmie

Thank you so much for your support. Feel overwhelmed with love on this forum, it's been a lifesaver for me. I hope you are okay too. I too find that the medical system has such a lack of empathy and sensitivity when it comes to fertility and I'm so sorry you experienced the same. It nearly broke me when I found out about my fertility issues and was let down so much by my then GP surgery. I have changed GP's since and I must say, my current GP has been just amazing, gone above and beyond but I'm starting to feel that maybe I'm just never going to be that same person I was before I went through fertility treatment. I use to be able to dust myself off so easily, move forward and not let anything bother me. Now I'm on antidepressants and having therapy for PND and PTSD. I can't help but feel ashamed and guilty for not being able to self manage my symptoms. I completely understand that I am one of many many people who need treatment and I am a very low priority but the rippling effect my delay in surgery has had is quite profound. Everything from messing my work around, my husband's job, delaying my therapy, and spiralling my mood downhill, and I still don't even know when I'm going to be seen. I contacted PALS to complain at the advice of my Consultant and in all honesty, I felt like I had bothered them and they're just not interested. Hopefully will get a response in 45 days!! But at least I have voiced my opinion and I do feel better for that I suppose. These rollercoaster of emotions are so hard to explain to others who haven't been through the same path so I end up bottling things up, brushing myself off putting on a brave smile just to be able to leave my house, go to work and have a normal day, then have a good cry at the end of the day in the shower. Anyway, thank you so much for your post and if you need a chat, I'm here for you too β™₯️

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to Positive2022

Oh, the love on this forum is absolutely amazing! I don't know where I would be without it! Glad you've changed GPs and the new one is better. My GP has been good, but you're right, the impact these things have on our lives can be quite massive. The fertility and IVF journey, in general, has massively impacted my mood, my job, my husband's job, so can completely understand. Happy to hear you have made the step to complain. Hopefully something comes of it!

Oh definitely the rollercoaster of emotions is impossible to explain to anyone else. I would not have had the slightest inkling how tough this journey is and what it entailed before going through it myself. Makes me mindful of other people's journeys (not fertility-related) and what awful paths other people are walking that I just don't know about. xxx

Positive2022 profile image
Positive2022 in reply to ttcemmie

I'm so pleased to hear you have a supportive GP too. I never really imagined the long term affect this journey would have on me psychologically, physically and emotionally. On reflection, I realise now how low I was when I was going through all the tests and treatment but didn't want to admit it at the time. Partly as I am a really private person and found things just too difficult to discuss openly and partly because I didn't feel well supported by my GP surgery. There were alot of mistakes (wrong blood tests done, referrals go missing, and my confidential maternity notes which had all my fertility details in posted through someone else's letter box). I was also referred to one of the GP's at this surgery from my midwife concerned about DVT risk due to swelling in my legs and just got told, and I quote 'she couldn't have been too concerned or she would have sent you to hospital'. This really upset me. Made me feel like I was an absolute waste of time and I had such a stressful pregnancy with multiple bleeds and a high miscarriage risk. After I realised I wasn't getting any better I moved to another surgery and my goodness, the difference is incredible. I have managed to get an appointment with my own GP next week so can chat through everything with her then.

Sometimes it's so nice reaching out to others who just 'get it'.

I hope you are doing okay and receiving the support you need. It can feel a very lonely and isolating place sometimes. As you say, I'm just so much more aware of what others may or may not be going through. Thank you for your support and kind words β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️

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