Hi All
Hope everyone is doing ok. I know I shouldn’t moan as I am lucky enough to currently be 5 weeks pregnant and I know some of lovely ladies (and gentleman) have had some devastating news this year and my heart and prayers go out to you all. I though the 2 WW was bad but it is nothing compared to the wait till your official scan.
As it was DE transfer my clinic is requesting an 8 week scan which would be 22nd November. The last 7 days since I found that I had a positive result have seemed to be the longest in my life. I’m not sure if it’s because we find out earlier than a natural pregnancy but every day seems to be the equivalent to 10!!! I’m even working 6 days a week for the next couple thinking being busy at work time would fly how wrong am I..
So far I have had minimal/no symptoms (tender to touch breasts last week but have gone now) so I think I am now stressing myself out thinking this is going to end and soon, is it wrong to wish I had some sort of symptoms just because I think it will make it real!. I also think I may have gone a little mad as I keep doing a HPT every 2-3 day to ensure the result hasn’t changed!! It’s costing me a fortune… I know I should stop but it’s like a bad addiction .
Sorry for the moan I just had to get what was bothering me out hoping I will feel better. I thought I would be over the moon with excitement about a positive result but it doesn’t seem to be the case at the moment.
Much love xx