8dp5dt - headache is killing me - Fertility Network UK

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8dp5dt - headache is killing me

27 Replies

Good Morning lovely ladies, omg what I night I had! Awake with my head literally EXPLODING. My dear husband woke up and gave me paracetamol (I usually don’t like taking other meds during 2ww but couldn’t resist 🙈🙈🙈) and now feeling slightly better although still in bed. Thanks to you all I did not test last night, I am really trying to stay as positive as I can, but I really can’t wait for Friday- I need a result, I can’t wait any longer!

I hope you are all well and positive 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻Sending baby dust and love to you beautiful human beings!!! ❤️

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27 Replies

Glad you took some paracetamol - could you try a cold towel on your forehead too? Try and chill today - really hope this is a positive sign and well done for not testing 😘😘

in reply to

Yes I had a cold towel on my forehead too- it’s my saviour in these cases lol I usually get this headache before AF 😢so it’s hard to stay positive but I’m trying 🍀🤞🏻Thanks Daisy ❤️

Mmmpudding profile image

Morning Issy, hope your headache is subsiding! I am dying to test too but I am not confident at all so ignorance is bliss for me at the moment.

I have decided to wait till Sunday. You? Waiting till Friday? Xx

in reply to Mmmpudding

Hey pudding! I know I know that’s the reason why I haven’t tested- I’m a chicken 🐓😂yes waiting until Friday so I have the weekend to recover, and go to the spa!!!!! I really need to chill...how are you Hun? X

Mmmpudding profile image
Mmmpudding in reply to

Spa! That sounds amazing. I am not feeling great myself, there is hardly any positivity left in me. To distract myself I’m going to.....Ikea...today. I don’t even know why I am going there, but it’s almost an hour away from me, so i will treat it as an outing haha! Friday is the day after tomorrow so really not long now xx

in reply to Mmmpudding

Ahahaha I’ve been to Ikea on Saturday- not the best day. It was packed and I was angry at everybody for being in my way so basically I’ve zoomed across corridors to get out with my poor husband trying to search for a ceramic knife (after I told him that ikea doesn’t have them ahaha) - just picture the scene 😂I hope you’ll have a better day today! Yes Friday is not far and somehow I now don’t want to test ahaha I know it’ll be a bfn again 😢

Mmmpudding profile image
Mmmpudding in reply to

I’m the same as you now, I don’t want to test anymore. Not knowing seems better than bad news. However, to me, a bfn right away is better than a miscarriage later on. Oops, too much negativity going on here...we are both going get our BFP on our OTD :D

in reply to Mmmpudding

Yes, we’re going to get our BFPs!!!!! 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

Picalilli99 profile image

Well done for resisting! Keep going you are doing so well. Glad the paracetamol helped a little. Really hoping the headache is a positive sign for you. Best of luck lovely 🍀xxx

in reply to Picalilli99

Thanks Picalilli 🤞🏻🍀I need all the luck out there 😂how are you?

Picalilli99 profile image
Picalilli99 in reply to

Hoping to have our embryo transfer today 🤞🤞🤞 xxx

in reply to Picalilli99

Wow exciting times!!! 🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻🍀good luck and keep us posted! Xx

AuroraXen profile image

I really rate those kool 'n' soothe forehead patches when i get these... they don't have those awful menthol smells either. So hard not taking proper drugs with these headaches! :-( Hang in there and wishing you luck for Friday. Also, congrats on not caving early! x

in reply to AuroraXen

Yes I rate them too! Thank goodness I didn’t have to go to work today because my hair is terrible after keeping the patch on all night 😂😂😂😂😂😂thank you Aurora 🍀🤞🏻💋

AuroraXen profile image
AuroraXen in reply to

Ah you have my sympathies... I typically take paracetamol, ibuprofen AND codeine when I get bad headaches 😂 Which is obviously not possible right now... roll on Friday, when at least I'll know the score (eek...) xx

RhinoCat profile image

Ya poor pet. 🥺You are safe to take paracetamol ! 👍🏻Don’t be in agony over not wanting to take any , it’s only tablets you can take or codeine if you are in real agony 💖

Sure once you get through today , tomorrow is Thursday then Friday . You can do this now! Just 2 sleeps 💪🏻

You’ve got this!

I didn’t have my crazy eRly morning cramps this morning so don’t now what going on now. Defo feel like old Aunt Flo is knocking at the door 🚪 tho 😆 wish she would p off.

Hugs x 💐

in reply to RhinoCat

Hey Rhino dear 🦋look I think we should stop thinking about symptoms as meds play a massive part in it- we need to keep calm and get to test day. When’s your test day? Apologies if I’ve asked you already but my brain is not working properly lol x

RhinoCat profile image
RhinoCat in reply to

My test day is Saturday , so if you make it to Friday , I’ll make it to Saturday 😘 deal ? 💐🤩

in reply to RhinoCat

Absolute deal!!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻We can do this! 🍀🍀🍀🍀🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

Pondev profile image

Hope your feeling better. My test day is also Friday this week has been so hard and it’s only Wednesday. Monday I felt hopeful, yesterday I was positive it was gonna be a BFP today I feel it’s gonna be a BFN. Severe cramps and back ache like I always feel a couple days before Aunt Flo.

But really hoping you get a positive. The day after tomorrow time will fly by. X

in reply to Pondev

Hi Pondev! I’m still miserable with my headache and really hungry 🙈Friday is round the corner we must resist! Was your embryo graded? Mine is a 3BB....yep I think it’s a bpf and 5 seconds later I think it’s a bfn 😂😱🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻🍀we can only cross our fingers! How are you feeling today? X

Pondev profile image
Pondev in reply to

Mine is 2BB have 3 grade AA in the freezer. Very negative today but my partner is keeping my spirits up.

Just baking dinner rolls now to distract myself. Hoping I feel better tomorrow so I can actually go out and about. I’m housebound driving me insane. I’m high risk for OHSS so clinic advised me no work during the 2ww

in reply to Pondev

Mmmm dinner rolls you’re making me hungryyyyy! Omg I’d only eat junk food these days...🙈my hubby is out at a work dinner tonight so I’ll be having just a soup I can’t be bothered to cook and everything that smells puts me off...why did they pick a BB grade when you have AAs do you know? Anyway we’re BBs sisters! 😍🍀🤞🏻🍀🤞🏻🍀

Pondev profile image
Pondev in reply to

They said it would be better to freeze the AA as they would more likely survive the thaw. Clinic put me on high protein diet cause of the OHSS or I wud probably be eating junk felt nausea when I’m cooking meat or poultry so mostly baking cakes and bread. Starting dinner letting hubby finish can’t go in the kitchen. 😢😢will be looking out for update on Friday. 😃

in reply to Pondev

Oh darling I know what you mean I am so sensitive to smells too...it’s the progesterone 🙈I hope you feel better soon xx take it easy and relax 😎

Pondev profile image
Pondev in reply to

Thanks I was overanalysing thought the sensitivity to smell was a sign of a BFP. The pessaries r driving me insane 😭

in reply to Pondev

I think it’s too early for that kind of pregnancy symptoms 🙈the pessaries are really powerful, they totally take over my whole body! I’m so sick of them!

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