My test this morning at 8dp5dt is really faint compared to others. Am I having a chemical?
Chemical? : My test this morning at 8dp... - Fertility Network UK

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Hey hun. I’m in almost the same situation as my line did not progress for 4 days and remains exactly the same. I will pray for both me and you to be able to keep this pregnancy! Wishing you and myself lots of luck! 🙏🤞🤞🤞🤞💕💕💕
Are you having bloods done at some point or? Xx
It's awful isn't it....yeah thursday it cant come quick enough xx
It's hard to say Joanna. When hCG is starting off it only doubles every 48-72hrs so the line progression doesnt show very well and the situation of urine can also affect your tests. I really hope it isnt a chemical. The only way to know for sure things are progressing in the correct manor is to have bloods done. I've been here too and it's so stressful. Wishing you loads of luck!xx
I had 2 biochemicals 🥺 but from my point of view the lines are not looking bad although I cannot see a progression from the first to the 4th but I would suggest don’t lose your hope. My ones you could see them fading away after 3 days ...
🤞hope everything will be fine
Hoping everything goes okay. I know it's hard but don't lose hope. Thursday must seem like a lifetime away! Best wishes.
My lines got lighter with each test, but my blood betas were doubling or more every other day. I’m now 14 weeks with twins. I wouldn’t obsess so much over the line, if you’re concerned I would get blood work! Prayers for continued growth and healthy pregnancy!
Did you have a trigger? I would suggest this is your trigger fading out but your bfp starting. 8dpt is very early for a bfp xx

I got negatives at day 2 3 and 4 positive from day 5? Xxx
I don’t know what to say lovely. I have had several chemicals and a MC where the lines didn’t develop but I’ve also seen soooo many stories about how it’s taken a while for the HcG to really kick in and doubling every 72 hours is fine. So you could easily still be all good and everything progressing as it should be. I guess retest in 48 hours? (I know you will tomorrow and good luck) crossing my fingers for you xxxx
Oh and I have only ever got a positive from day 8 so you are still ridiculously early xx
Hi Joanna, maybe you could try a digital?
Did you have two embryos? Could be twins and messing with the test (the hook effect) not sure how likely that is but a possibility xxx
Aww... this is such a stressful time! I’ve had a chemical before, where unfortunately the line didn’t get darker. I ended up really stressing myself out.
Got my fingers crossed 🤞 that your line progresses 💕💕 xx
Hi Joanna, how did you get a long?

Hi!..beta came back at 223 so all good upto now waiting on 6 week scan xx
Great news!!xx
Congratulations!! I have to wait until the 6th of March for my first scan do you know when yours is?? Xx