So, I went for my second egg transfer today. The emotions swirling in my head are unreal! I am happy, excited, hopeful but I also feel guilty and petrified and sad. On the 14th I should have been sat with my little boy staring at this little miracle I have been blessed with. However he was born sleeping in August due to contracting an infection. I feel guilty for trying again ( I know I shouldn't) I feel petrified because I dont know if I can cope with the long hospital stays, blood loss and transfusions and relying on my husband to carry me up the stairs due to the extreme anaemia and heaven forbid - losing another child. In trying to stay positive and just go with the flow but It feels as though the happiness of pregnancy has now been ripped away and whatever the outcome it will bring about negative emotions which isnt fair on my little embie.
Anyway, now I'm done with the soppy ****, when was your earliest positives after a 5 day FET? Already dying to test ππ