I had my ultra sound scan after 6 days of stimulation. My right ovary is looking good 11 big follicles, left one is very slow only 4 big follicles and lots of small ones and this after adding 75ml of Lepori (when I had already 225ml of Meriofert). Has anyone experienced this - one ovary over responding and the other one under responding? 🤔 Will left ovary recuperate until EC?
One ovary over responding and the oth... - Fertility Network UK
One ovary over responding and the other under responding- stimulation drugs

Hi Ranchu. When I had my last scan a week ago, one ovary had considerably more than the other (11 on one vs 5 on the other). I was happy with that as my first round I had 7 total (and even that I know is great for some of us). It's hard to tell how they're going to behave, especially if you're a bit older like me. We're all SO different. Try not to worry- somd of the small ones might even catch up to the larger ones but even if they don't, there's no reason you can't have a great shot with what you've already got xx
I also had this and had 7 eggs collected in total. Dr said it was not unusual when we had our debrief appointment x
Hi, I had an uneven count with my cycle. Don’t worry it’s about quality and if an egg is in that wee follicles. I Was focused on numbers because it was more chances in my head but then my lovely Nurse calmed me down and reassured me that it was still going well, I had to adjust my dose and collect on day 12. 9eggs from one side and 5eggs from the other X
You are absolutely right quality is more important than quantity. Problem it is that on my first IVF try doctors focused on quantity on my second one on quality and both failed. Now I don’t know where to focus ... ☹️
Focus on yourself be positive and will on your ovaries to produce, sounds stupid but I read a book ‘trying to get pregnant and succeeding’ and it totally changes the way I was thinking xx
I think that the differing responses of the ovaries is common.
Regarding quality versus quantity my daughter’s experience is that medicating to get the maximum number of eggs was the right approach.
The first clinic took the approach that getting small number of eggs with a more gentle regime would yield less but better quality eggs. Unfortunately for her that wasn’t the case. After 3 rounds there were none that were euploid ( normal)
She changed clinics and they took the approach that getting the maximum number of eggs gave a better chance of finding that one good one. She had two egg collection rounds back to back designed to collect the maximum number of eggs. It was a very demanding regime but after PGS testing she found that she had a number of euploid embryos and is now 7 months pregnant.
This obviously just one person’s experience but reading up on the research it shows that the more eggs collected the greater the chance of success.
Wishing you all the best x
I had one ovary that was lazier than the other, think it's pretty common to be honest!! They canr do anything to bring either one on or calm down the other unfortunately. Good luck.xx
Hi Ranchu, the same thing happened to me on my first cycle. I also didn’t get any to blastocyst but a big part of that ended up being due to sperm fragmentation which we didn’t find out til later. One thing that really helped me was changing the drugs. I was on Menopur on my first disastrous cycle and then changed to Gonal F for my next 2, at a higher dose. I read some articles that Menopur and drugs like it can have negative effects on quality for younger ladies and the synthetic FSH only drugs can be better. Definitely was in my case.