Hi, feeling a bit scared, I have 2 little endometriomas one in each ovary, but an 8cm one was removed from my left ovary. Been on ovaleap for 10 day sand been told I have 20 follicles on my right and 8 on the left and the follicles arnt big enough yet for the trigger injection. I'm on the same dose of ovaleap and getting scanned again in two days. The consultant said I'm over stimulated and at risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, but have to continue the same dose to get mature follicles. I am rather bloated and tummy aches, which is making me more worried.
Is this something to be worried about or would it be rare for how many follicles that are produced.
They are predicting my egg collection Wed.
Any dvice/ experience to calm my nerves would be really appreciated xx