I’ve just finished my 5th Clomid cycle which has resulted in another BFN. The tablets have caused me to ovulate every month but I haven’t fallen pregnant. There are no issues with husband and no other issues with me. Has anyone else experienced this? Got our appointment with the consultant next week to commence IVF 😢😢
5th Clomid Cycle: I’ve just finished my... - Fertility Network UK
5th Clomid Cycle

Hi noodles, have you had a HSG test done to see if your tubes are clear? I was given clomid to try before that and had the same result. And it wasn’t until we’d tried it that the clinic then sent me for more tests which showed damages tubes, so it was never going to have worked. Xx
Hi. No I haven’t had any tests to check my tubes. Oh no, wishing you some success x

Hi Noodles. So sorry to hear this. I assume all is well with your Fallopian tubes and they are both patent? Sadly, Clomid doesn't work for everyone, but is usually worth a try. If you think they may help, I do have a list of questions I can email you in confidence. my address is support@fertilitynetworkuk.org
Hi Diane, I haven’t had any tests for my tubes. I am back at the hospital on 3rd Feb so I am going to raise it there as I have ovulated every month on Clomid but with no results
Hi Noodles. If there seems no need to check your tubes, they often try you for 3 months, but we always did an HSG if no pregnancy occurred. If all was OK then we tried the 2nd lot of 3 months. You should still get your tubes checked prior to IVF in case they should be blocked and need to be clipped or removed prior to the IVF, as any excess lubrication can only spill into the womb through the womb end of your tubes and possibly prevent the implantation of a developing embryo. Don't forget to let me know if you want the questions. Good luck! Diane
I’m really sorry about your bfn. My infertility is caused by me not ovulating due to pcos so I tried clomid first. I did 4 rounds before I had to stop as i had really bad side effects from it.
I had confirmed ovulation but didn’t fall on any of those cycles so was starting to really panic. We have since moved on to ivf which has (touch wood) worked for us. Wishing you all the luck xx
I also tried 5 months and it didn’t work for me. I couldn’t carry on with the treatment for another month because of the side effects, I had the ambulance at my door on my 5th month of trying. I am agree with Diane Arnold it doesn’t work for everyone but probably is good to try, you never know what will be the outcome.