I had a Frozen embryo transfer ( 46 chromosomes) on the 20 December 2019 I tested today (27 Dec ) and it was negative. I am really worried . Has anyone tested negative after 7 days and later texted positive ? My blood text is scheduled on the 31 December. Fingers crossed... I am so nervous
Pregnancy test : I had a Frozen embryo... - Fertility Network UK
Pregnancy test

Hi Yara, many people suggested to not test till blood test and which I did and it’s negative results too. I am gonna have blood test done as well in 31 dec! Best for us just to relax and be positive. Finger crossed 🤞
Fingers crossed for both of us tomorrow x I just tested this morning day 10 and it’s still negative. I hope yours is positive now . X
Didn’t retested after 10dp3dt. Finger crossed for beta test!! Good luck to us both dear.
Hi , I hope you are well . I decided to call the clinic this morning and get my blood test done . Unfortunately it didn’t work for me . I have stopped my medication and hopefully I will start another ivf cycle soon . I am keep my fingers crossed for you and I really hope you get a positive result. Keep me updated. X
Best wishes
Hi, sorry to hear that. Good luck to you and may it stick the next cycle. Not sure about my results yet. I have no symptoms at all except really minor cramps.
What did your doctor advise you after the transfer? Mine was bed rest, minimise stairs for the tww. Estrogen, progesterone, hydroprogesterone injection, folic acid, plus prenatal was taken during the tww. No coffee or tea allowed either. Even McDonald’s fries 🍟 😭.
Hi , good luck today and I really hope you get good positive results. He also advised me to take it easy for couple of days after ET. I tried to be very healthy and I eat lots of pineapple, Brazilian nuts , oils fish etc . I just think sometimes it’s not meant to be . They think it’s to do with my immune system that’s why my body rejected the embryo because everything else was perfect. Hopefully next cycle I will have more embryos and better luck x
My beta result was negative. Nothing else I could have done to make a difference. Only have to wait for next cycle transfer.
At least I could drink coffee 😭
I am so sorry it’s really hard . Let’s enjoy the NY and we will succeed in 2020 . Will you take a break ? My Dr advise me not to take a break but to keep trying. If you need anything feel free to email me yara888@gmail.com .
Not sure yet. My doctor want to know when my period starts first then will go from there. But can’t really start immediately because all my cycles is personally financed. Thanks, will do.
I know it’s so hard financially and I am doing it on my own . I had to remortgage to release equity. So I can only afford one more round . You can apply for 24 months interest free Credit card and pay it slowly if you can . Each round is costing me 10 k . Checkout the evewell clinic in Harley street they are excellent and the success rate is very high.
Iam full time housewife so only my husband provide income for us. And most of our saving has been used for the 2 cycles of egg retrieval and 1 egg donor transfer. Sorry dear, we living in Asia. I know our cost cheaper but I am not earning any. 😩😭
I know this is so hard but don’t lose hope . Try naturally using Clomid medication . I have a friend who had 7 round of IVF and later conceived naturally with Clomid . Also check out clinics in Cyprus they are cheap and the success rates are high . Xxx
Can’t either hun. Both my tube were remove. So naturally conceived not possible. Even using my own eggs not possible too. How misery my tummy to get pregnant. Wonder what did I do wrong to have this difficulties to have my own babies 👶🏻 😭
This is extremely hard and devastating and can’t begin to imagine how you feel . New Year’s Eve I saw a lady who was 7 months pregnant and she was completely drunk outside my local pub and I thought why does she deserve to be pregnant and I had just lost my embryo. Sometimes in life we have to accept . You will one day have that beautiful baby in your arms it might be difficult now but there is always a light at the end off the tunnel. Whenever you feel down and you want to talk you can always WhatsApp me on +447872188801 .
All the best may this new year shower u with all the happiness..