Hi i had my 5th day embryo transfer on Saturday, i know the nurses say 2 week wait before doing a test, just wondering how soon would it show either positive or negative ? This 2 weeks is going to seem like forever? Thanks
Pregnancy test : Hi i had my 5th day... - Fertility Network UK
Pregnancy test

Hi. I know right. I had a 5 day embryo transferred as well. I did my first test on day 11 and then on the 14th day. The 2WW can be so stressful. Don't worry, just take it one day at a time and try to rest.

Hi Clm. I realise how frustrating this is. You've had all this treatment and attention, and now you're left with your pessaries for company. Do try and hang on until the correct date to test. If you do test early and it is negative, then carry on until the correct date, and don't stop any medication. Good luck! Diane
Yes just hang in there. Keep positive. Try to meditate for an hour or so.. listen to some calm music every day. Focus on eating healthy and watch lots of comedy!!! I've been regular with pineapple slice in the morning, my beetroot juice in the afternoon and portion of my pomegranate in the evenings every day!!! I hate my pressaries, so annoying!!
I couldn't keep my anxiety and caved in and did a home test today on my Day 11p5dFET. And now I've made myself worse wondering If it's TRUE or False!! xxxx goodluck and stay positive xxx