Hello all, we have our follow up appointment after our early miscarriage tomorrow. One of the things I was wondering is how long were people on steroids for? We came off them after our BFP and just wondering whether others have stayed on for longer? Also any other questions after an early miscarriage or success stories? We had 4 failed FETs before so really hoping we don’t go back to BFNs xx
Follow up appointment - questions abo... - Fertility Network UK
Follow up appointment - questions about steroids

Hi Core
I don’t know about this specific matter but sending you all the strength for tomorrow x
Not had any experience of this, but just wanted to say I hope your appointment today goes ok xxxx
I took steroids from 5 days before transfer until I was 13 weeks and then weened off them. I’m not sure why they would take you off them at the point of BFP? Worth asking today. Wishing you luck today x
Hi Core, Im sure you know that we havent gotten there yet but my clinic would usually continue on all meds (inc steriods) until 11 weeks then reduce over a week then stop.xx
Thanks for letting me know. When I had my prescription after my BFP they had cyclogest on it and when I pointed out I wasn’t on it they crossed it out and I’m worried they put that instead of steroids. How are you doing?xx
I would have been on cyclogest/lubion, prednisolone, progynova (FET) and my blood thinners so everything continuing. Im doing ok. We have been planning to do a new cycle in the new year. Im swinging between that and giving up but not really! I had an ERA test done and just got the results back so hopefully that'll help with next transfer.
How are you both doing?xx
Appointment went well today, doctor said it was really positive that I had gotten pregnant and he said that he often sees a pattern with women who have lots of failures then an early miscarriage, he said there might be another pregnancy which might last longer and still end in miscarriage but ultimately we should end up with our baby so 🤞 good luck with your new cycle next year. What did ERA test say?xx
Glad that you got some positive feedback. Yes I think that was the big thing to be taken from our failed pregnancy, the fact we got implantation was huge after so many failures.
Our ERA was fairly positive. It turns out I'm not like usual women (never am 🤣)....usually we need to be on progesterone for 5 days (120hrs). However my lining wasnt receptive until 144hrs (6 days). This explains all of our failures at 5 days transfers. We had moved our transfer time already which got us our BFPs but didnt get it exactly right, our first was 133hrs of progesterone when we got a late BFP. 2nd was 147hrs of progesterone and the last failures was almost 149hrs. It all seems to make sense and add up! Obviously there as no guarantees but I feel like at least we have a bit of science behind us.
Do you have a plan to try again?xx