5 weeks + 1 day Drama after first eve... - Fertility Network UK

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5 weeks + 1 day Drama after first ever BFP. Threatened miscarriage. Anyone else similar experience?

KOT7 profile image
30 Replies

Had two 5 day blastocysts implanted on 25th Nov.

Got first ever BFP last friday, so I'm five weeks 2 days pregnant today.

Since implantation, I've had bad cramps, they've been pretty relentless actually.

On Wednesday they got worse but I tried to just crack on and ignore it.

Yesterday at lunch time in work, I got an awful pain and found I was bleeding bright red blood. Obviously I was devastated.

I'm an oral surgeon so I work in the hospital and I had my own new patient clinic just about to start...but I was fairly inconsolable at this point so had to send all my patients home and I feel awful about it.

I rang my clinic, spoke to the Consultant and he told me because of the pain I'd been experiencing, I had to go to A&E (which is awkwardly next door to my department so I know the staff).

After 3 hours there, I got sent straight to the gynae ward.

At 5pm I was told that they were waiting for my HCG result and if it was over 1500, I could have a scan to check everything was ok but the gynae team were stuck in theatre with a C Section...

11 HOURS total I waited to be seen and by the time the registrar saw me, he said they were unable to do a scan because he wasn't trained and everyone else had gone home!!!!! So from 2pm to 1am with no food and NO information (the shop closed at 5pm and we had no change for the vending machine), I was told I'd have to go home and wait for an appointment for a scan. I went MENTAL to the point he rang the consultant on call at home to come in and scan me.. (my HCG was 11,500 btw)

Anyway there's an area of bleeding on the scan, and there's 2 yolk sacs there, one looking better than the other. He said it's a threatened miscarriage. Not sure why the cramps are so bad. Almost like contractions. He just said I have to wait for the best and that I will continue to bleed lightly but just to hope for no heavier bleeding. Next scan at my clinic on 23rd.

Anyone have similar experience?

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KOT7 profile image
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30 Replies

Oh no sounds like you have had a dramatic time! I can’t believe we can be asked to just go home and wait in this situation. Good news that 2 sacs can be seen though so there is hope for good news. On my last FET I had 2 transferred and at exactly 5 weeks I had a large fresh bleed as I arrived at my clinic after a day of spotting and mild back pain. My hcg level was over 4000 and a sac was seen with a bleed beside it. 3 days later my hcg levels had doubled and a scan a week and a half later showed a good strong heartbeat. The bleeding stopped and my pregnancy continued. My clinic put it all down to me losing one of my embryos, they said it is very common to bleed and lose one with a double transfer. Sadly my baby had trisomy 21 and a few other problems and we lost him at 17 weeks but this was completely unrelated to the bleeding x

KOT7 profile image
KOT7 in reply to

Thanks for your response and I'm sorry you had such an awful time x

ttcemmie profile image

That sounds super awful and stressful. How you were treated is completely insensitive and unnecessary! How could they then ask you to go home before scanning you?! I hate the waiting around for hours with no urgency. A life is at stake here! Also, the viewpoint that what will be will be and there's nothing they can do anyway is awful. Even if this is true, the toll on your mental state is severe (not to mention the pain) and your piece of mind or even just to know what's going on is critical!

KOT7 profile image
KOT7 in reply to ttcemmie

Exactly! I work there as well! Couldn't believe it. X

sandra81 profile image

Had a similar experience. Had 3 put back in. I bled intermittently from 5 weeks through to about 9 /10 weeks can’t remember which. I was put of progestorone in oil shots and some point and the bleeding tapered off. I had twins. So it could have been the third embryo coming out I don’t know

KOT7 profile image
KOT7 in reply to sandra81

OK. Thank you for sharing your experience. It's reassuring to know it's not just me. X

Had the exact same as you around the same time, i live in NZ and clinic refused to scan etc until 7 weeks and monitor via blood test only to make sure hcg is going up because they may not see anything prior to that week. Like you my pregnancy was a threatened miscarriage thanks to a haematoma but at 7 weeks my little one was there and same at 8 weeks. Make sure you keep on too of progesterone and hope all is OK when you get the scan. My threatened miscarriage is now 17months.

KOT7 profile image
KOT7 in reply to

Oh God really!? That's amazing. I really hope it's the same for me too xx

mary77777 profile image

I had some light bleeding when I got my BFP. They tested my progesterone and it was low, so they increased my dose. Had another light bleeding at 6/7 weeks with cramps and back pain that lasted 2-3 weeks. No problems identified at scanning (only 1 was transferred, so it was not an embryo coming out). They gave me some antispasmodic and another medication as they said I have contractions. I have now a 8 week old :)

Hope all goes well for you!

KOT7 profile image
KOT7 in reply to mary77777

Aww that's amazing. Thank you xx

Chrissyp22 profile image

I would be testing progesterone levels and increase quickly If low. Exact same thing happened to me. I bled bright red and clots but all okay now at 34 weeks. Good luck hun!

KOT7 profile image
KOT7 in reply to Chrissyp22

OK thank you so much xxx

I am so sorry to hear the horrible experience you have been through! I am sending you lots of positive vibes and wishing you a healthy pregnancy despite this scare! X

KOT7 profile image
KOT7 in reply to

Thank you xxx

Exhaurex profile image

Hi just thought I would share my experience with you , we did a double transfer on 30th October. At about 5 weeks I have some bleeding got a scan and there were two sacs with nothing in them the bleeding had stopped. Then at 6 weeks I had another scan showing one sac had a baby with a heartbeat and the other sac was alot smaller with just a yolk sac in it. Then I came back for another scan because one morning I had this gush of bright red blood it showed baby bigger and the other sac collapsing. This continued for a week and finally came away and I was diagnosed with vanishing twin syndrome. But the best thing we ever did was transfer two because I would not be 9 weeks pregnant finally. This would have been my 5th miscarriage.

Try not too worry ❤️

KOT7 profile image
KOT7 in reply to Exhaurex

OK thank you for sharing with me. That must have been really difficult.

It does give me some reassurance. Just got to Keep everything crossed until the 23rd for next scan now x

Exhaurex profile image
Exhaurex in reply to KOT7

Yes I hope it all goes really well for you 😊xo

pj2232019 profile image

“Threatened Miscarriage” and “you have to wait and see” are some of the worst words to hear, but trust me they can get worse, hopefully you won’t experience it. I can only tell you I had those same words in both my pregnancies. I can tell you one of those pregnancies went to full term and I have a beautiful 2 and a half year old son. They are right, nothing you can do and it’s a waiting game, but they have no realisation of how Horrific those words are for a woman who’s hopes and dreams are wrapped up in that tiny little embryo, that you are willing, praying and in my case selling your soul, anything for your baby to make it. Everyone finds their own way to manage this, me, I was a raving loonie with my son, my bleeding went on for some time and I had to continually hear all sorts from professionals that was never positive, until I decided quite near the end of my pregnancy to literally tell them to do one, I got to enjoy roughly 4 weeks before I gave birth to him and he was a healthy 8lb 4oz whopper!!! Trust yourself and be kind to yourself!!! Good luck!!!

KOT7 profile image
KOT7 in reply to pj2232019

Thanks for your response. It's just crap isn't it. I was honestly aghast that they'd made me sit there for 11 hours for absolutely nothing.

Have had a bit of brown bleeding today and horrible period type pains constantly so just sat with a hot water bottle feeling really negative at the moment. Ugh the whole thing.

Wow, I'm so pleased you got your whopper haha! That's fab, I hope one day that will be me too! x

How are you doing today?

KOT7 profile image
KOT7 in reply to

No bleeding since yesterday afternoon. Just period type pains, which have been on and off for 2 weeks!!

in reply to KOT7

That is great news it has stopped. The cramping goes on for ages. Hope all goes well. When did the clinic say you can have your first scan?

KOT7 profile image
KOT7 in reply to

So the cramping doesn't necessarily mean a bad thing? At times it's really quite severe but there's 2 in there so maybe it's just because of that?? Scan on 23rd. Should technically be on 27th but I'm home for Christmas for a few days and that's 200 miles away. So may have to go back on 30th.

(Thank you for thinking of me and asking how I am this morning by the way. Was feeling really flat so it's just really nice!)

KOT7 profile image
KOT7 in reply to KOT7

Spoke too soon. Bleeding again 😢

in reply to KOT7

I'm so sorry, are they still monitoring your hcg? How are the numbers going up? I bled really heavy with cramps and everything till 20 weeks. On many occasions I even had huge clots. I hope your little one is still snug as a bug in a rug

KOT7 profile image
KOT7 in reply to

Stopped bleeing for a couple of days now. Not had any repeat bloods. Just waiting for scan on Monday 😬😬

in reply to KOT7

How did the scan go?

Halli23 profile image

I can’t believe you had to wait that long and didn’t get scanned at the end of it, truly unbelievable!! So sorry.

I had something very similar... I basically bled every single day from week 5 until about 10.5 weeks. Some days were worse than others and were truly bright red blood and other days just some times on wiping but it was there every single day. I have lost count of the amount of scans I had thinking I’d lost it every other day, so stressful. The cramps were there too.

At every single scan there was absolutely no reason that could be seen for the bleeding, and was told every time it’s cam just happen’. That didn’t help with my anxiety at all.

BUT... I’m now 15 weeks today and our little miracle has clung on tight and is doing so well!!!! I’m still getting a lot of cramping and pains though!!

Every thing crossed for you hun 🤞🏼 Xxx

KOT7 profile image
KOT7 in reply to Halli23

Thanks so much for your message. It's come at the right time.. Literally just as I was stood crying in the train station cause I've started bleeding again and have really low down period pains. I just don't know what to think xx

FrancyItaly profile image

Oh I’m so sorry to read this, did the bleeding stop? Let us know how the scan goes today, I hope it’s a happy news!

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