Hi ladies
I am freaking out...last night I had a very small about of brown blood in some mucus (sorry) after my pessary, and again this morning. I've had nothing all day, and then when I got home from work I went to the toilet and it actually came out in a flow (still brown). I've been to the toilet a couple of times since and now nothing.
I'm so so worried that it means it's not worked. I've had cramps throughout the 2ww, and now I cant tell if they are period pains or not. I feel it's too late for implantation bleeding. I know it can be a manner of different things. AF was due Sunday, so to me it feels like my period wants to come but the progesterone is preventing it?
I was thinking of phoning the clinic tomorrow if it's still the case do you think?
Anyone else had this and went onto have a BFP?
I dont want to test until OTD friday, but I'm so worried I feel physically sick.
Thank you for your support xx