Hi ladies, just looking for some advice/reassurance from someone who may have been in a similar situation.
I was supposed to be starting my first fresh cycle in the new year (NHS). Found out I was pregnant on Friday, knew instantly something wasn’t right (after experience with two ectopics). Thankfully they seem to have ruled out an ectopic in my remaining tube, but currently have a pregnancy of unknown location with rising HCG. The consultant thinks I might miscarry naturally, thank god!
I’m now so concerned about my NHS cycle, I know all funded cycles need to be complete within a year of consultation. Mine was actually in October & they wanted me to start that month. I was adamant I wanted to give myself three months to have a huge lifestyle overhaul which obviously worked! But now I’m so worried I’m going to have to wait even longer to start & potentially eat into more months of said year.
Does anyone know in a case of miscarriage if they put things on hold? I haven’t rung my clinic as I’m going back to the EPU on Friday for more bloods & to see the consultant again. I just wanted to have a clearer overview before I contacted the clinic.
I’m just majorly stressing myself out now, I haven’t even given myself time to grieve I’m so worried :(.
Love to you all x