Hi all, we are researching clinics abroad after quite a lot of failure with out UK clinic. They have requested results for quite a few tests and I wondered if we can easily get these results from the uk clinic. Being as they are our records are we allowed to pass details into another clinic. What are our rights when it comes to moving clinic and not wanting to pay again for the same tests. Any advice would be much appreciated xxx
Clinic in Cyprus : Hi all, we are... - Fertility Network UK
Clinic in Cyprus

You should be able to get a copy of your notes. I got mine for around £35 if I remember correctly. However most clinics abroad will want your tests to be within the last 12 months or even 6 months for them (ask if they will accept your UK results and they will probably give a timeline) to accept them so you may have to get some tests redone depending on when you had them done with your IVF clinic. Our GP was pretty helpful with some of the basic ones like HIV, Hep, TSH etc.xx
Thank you for that. I will check and see what they say. Xx
Yes they are your results and you are allowed to request them as you paid for them.
we got all of ours and emailed then to cyprus and it saved us a lot of money xxx
Yes sure you can just call them and request copies of your results
They can email you or post you your results .
I requested my notes from the NHS and they sent then free within a couple of weeks
We are in North Cyprus having our first IVF, the clinic and staff have been amazing so far! I am due for egg collection on Wednesday! 😬
That’s great xx have you had treatment in the UK? could you pm me the name of the clinic xxxx 😉 good luck. I have everything crossed for you xx
Congatulations to your preganacy. I hope you are fine.
Do you mind sharing experiences with me concerning clinics for egg donation in Cyprus, me?
We are struggeling enormously to find confidence in a clinic abroad.
Thank you so much for your help. I Think the best way is to chat via pm as we are not allowed to mention names of clinics.