So we have done our final month of Clomid with negative results☹️ (3months unmonitored 50mg) we've been TTC since Dec 2016 and haven't had a BFP in all that time! Our daughter was conceived without any problems and she will be 7 this summer. I go back to the specialist 26th Feb where the next steps will be to discuss IVF. We don't qualify for free IVF and we can't afford it in this country so we are looking at the Embryo clinic in Thessoloriki Greece or the British IVF Cyprus. Has anyone got any experience of either clinic or going abroad for treatment? Trying to do all the research now before we go and see her. All our tests have come back clear we have been classed as 'unexplained secondary infertility' Thank you x
IVF abroad Embryo clinic Thessoloriki... - Fertility Network UK
IVF abroad Embryo clinic Thessoloriki/ British IVF Cyprus

Hi Ella85. My SIL went to the New Life clinic in Thessaloniki. She's Greek, so no language barrier, but most of the staff there have trained in the UK and speak English pretty fluently. She says it's a good clinic, and treatment was successful for her: she has 2 kids now, both via ivf.
Thanks for your reply Tomorrow_1. Did she travel over or does she live there? Good to hear they speak good English I don't know a word of Greek!x
I went to a clinic in Greece and our first attempt after 3 private attempts in uk funding ourselves got bfn and Greece got BFP but sadly we lost him at 17-18 weeks
PM for clinic name x

I'm so sorry lovely I can't even imagine how you would feel after that. For some reason it won't let me send messages? I will have to check my settings maybe I've not done something properly x
I travelled to Cyprus to Famagusta in Cyprus. It was nice having a bit of a break while away! x
Thanks for your reply, how long were you away for in total? did you have to get the scans and bloods done while you were away or could you do it in this country?x
We were away 11 days because of our extended holiday! But this time we’ll do the shortest version because of FET... we’ll fly in Sunday, transfer Monday, rest Tuesday and Fly out Wednesday. I think if we were doing a fresh cycle we’d need to be out for 7 nights.
All my scans and bloods are done here; so I only go at point of fertilisation and transfer. It gives me real comfort knowing my consultant is here and that all my scans etc are here under him and he directs the clinic overseas what to do. But plenty of women on here have success stories of paying for scans privately and sending results to clinic abroad xx
When I saw my fertility dr she said they were hoping to set something up at Shrewsbury so you can go there for bloods/scan and fly out for the actual procedure I'm hoping we can do that 🙏🏻 it's going to be a nightmare with time off work if we have to be there from the beginning xx
Hey, I'm not at your clinic but I am having treatment in Athens...I genuinely feel we are being looked after so well out there compared to at home! Best of luck with your decision!!xx
Hi Ella. My husband and I are also looking for a clinic abroad after our failed first and only NHS ICSI cycle. We have been in contact with British Cyprus, Serum in Athens and New Life in Thessaloniki. They all seem very good but Serum and New Life are much better in replying to our emails...sometimes within an hour! We have a Skype consultation with the medical team of Serum this Monday and New Life on Tuesday. Hopefully this will help us to decide which clinic we want to go to. Happy to give you more info if you PM me. Best of luck xx
Hi Harriet also look at INVICTA Gdańsk. Facilities, state or art technology, success rates brilliant. Just finished our first donor egg cycle and so far success. Easy 2 hour flight great communication and no extra costs!

Thanks Snuggles. I will definitely check them out. Xx
Thank you Harriet I will drop you a PM. It's such a massive decision of who to go with isn't it! Good luck! Xx
Hiya ,
We just had our Skype with new life .. they are getting our green light email today !
🤞🏼Start treatment January xx
Good luck
Good luck! I can only say good things about Newlife. They made or dream came true. We are now proud parents of 14 months old twin girl and boy. Xx
Hi Ella we went to INVICTA Gdańsk. They have great success rates, state of art treatments, great rates no extra costs. Great communication and on our first treatment with donor eggs success so far. They do bloods etc after transfer at day 3:6:10 so the can adjust meds to support pregnancy. Not many others do this either. Good luck my lovely it’s such a journey and choice xx
Ahh congratulations! I will check that place out we are trying to get as many options as possible to make the best decision xx
Hi Ella how are you? I hope you had your baby? In case you still need help just let me know what you need and I'd be happy to share my experiences. I went to Dunya IVF Clinic in Cyprus. A lovely clinic, you wouldn't expect it. Was there 10 days for the whole treatment. PM me?
We are going with new life in Greece , DE after failed ivf & same as you ttc for 3 years &.
We were recommended & so far 💯 feel it’s the right clinic. 🤞🏼 We start treatment January ( hoping Covid doesn’t rage again ) xx
Msg me anytime & good luck
Hi ladies can you PM me with your experience abroad. I am considering cyrus and greece for embryo banking.