Hi everyone, I am having quite a lot of cramping pain on right hand side low down. Its actually painful to press on my stomach too and came on earlier today. It has not felt like this before, any ideas if this is good or bad news. I was actually thinking about testing earlier but decided to try and hold off until Sunday... I have not had any bleeding or spotting from start and haven't today either. Any advice, thoughts welcome xx
7dp5dt |Waves of Pain on right side -... - Fertility Network UK
7dp5dt |Waves of Pain on right side - any advice?

I had this the day before otd but got a bfn. I never knew why I got the pain. I also didn't have any spotting or bleeding. That being said, it seems everyone's experience is so different so it would be hard to compare really. Hopefully it's just your embie snuggling in. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. xxx
Hi thanks for replying. Its just got so bad I am in bed, took paracetamol but that hasn't touched the sides. Have just had to take codeine, its really bad now x
Hope you're ok. So many people get different symptoms. Try not to worry and be strong. I hope the the pain has gone down now. Thinking of you xx
Just be careful and watch the symptoms - I had mild late onset OHSS caused by pregnancy hormones that set in on the evening of 5dp5dt and that started off as awful stomach cramps. Of course, what you have may be caused by the progesterone, or could be the embies settling in, something you are or something else totally different. It is probably not OHSS at all and I don't want to alarm you but if it does get worse, or if it doesn't go away, just make sure you get it checked out. X