New to IVF: Hi everyone, We’re just... - Fertility Network UK

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New to IVF

Sunshine_yellow profile image
32 Replies

Hi everyone,

We’re just starting our first cycle of IVF. I start taking Menopur tomorrow and feeling extremely nervous and emotional.

I find it such a comfort coming on here and feeling like I’m not on my own 😊

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Sunshine_yellow profile image
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32 Replies
Mara84 profile image

Hi there! best of luck. I just had my first embryo transfer yesterday and to be honest IVF journey is not what I was expecting. Keep going and I hope it work out for you xx

Italy300618 profile image

Hi there, you arent alone, in fact I start on menopur tonight so I'm right there with you! Wishing you the very best of luck, this is our second cycle, it is an emotional rollercoaster, all I can say is try and remain positive and focus on you, and also theres a lot of luck in this process so dont be hard on yourself either. Keep in touch xx

Sunshine_yellow profile image
Sunshine_yellow in reply to Italy300618

Aw thank you. Wishing you lots of luck too 🤞🏻What dose of Menopur are you on? I’m really trying to stay positive and not let superstitions affect me!! I’m definitely going to try and put myself first. I’m a primary school teacher so i am a bit worried about the effect my job will have on this process. So far, my employer has been great xx

Italy300618 profile image
Italy300618 in reply to Sunshine_yellow

I'm on 450iu daily to start with, 2 injections 😔 but you soon get used to them, what about you?

It's good your employer has been great about it, you might find you will need time off at some point but see how you go. I'm having the week off when my egg collection is due as I was quite poorly after my last one and hopefully we will get to transfer this time so want to be as relaxed as poss as my jobs quite stressful xx

Sunshine_yellow profile image

Hi aw brilliant 🤞🏻🤞🏻it works out for you. I feel a bit out of my depth with all of this. I’ve read, watched and talked to so many people but I still feel so unprepared 🤯how does your journey differ from what you were expecting?

Ajplus1 profile image

Wishing you the best of luck with your first cycle. Reach out if you even need ❤️

Sunshine_yellow profile image
Sunshine_yellow in reply to Ajplus1

Thank you so much ❤️

Hopeful_wishes profile image

Wishing you lots of luck 🤞I start menopur on Saturday all being well, my first cycle too - keep in touch xx

Sunshine_yellow profile image
Sunshine_yellow in reply to Hopeful_wishes

Oh wow 🤞🏻wishing you lots of luck. Yes definitely keep in touch. What dose are you having?xx

Hopeful_wishes profile image
Hopeful_wishes in reply to Sunshine_yellow

Thank you! 225 iu, what about you? Xx

Sunshine_yellow profile image
Sunshine_yellow in reply to Hopeful_wishes

I’m having 300iu. Looking forward to getting the first one done 😅xx

Hopeful_wishes profile image
Hopeful_wishes in reply to Sunshine_yellow

The first injection was definitely the hardest (I’m a right wimp so was shaking like a leaf! Lol) they get easier 👍- you’ve got this 💪🏻 xx

Core profile image

Good luck, this forum is a great place full of amazing and supportive people xx

Drives profile image

Wishing you all the very best for your cycle. I can totally relate to how you're feeling. It's a bliming emotional rollercoaster. Take each day as it comes, look after yourself 😘 x x

peapop33 profile image

Keep going and don’t look back just try and stay positive. The medication can be daunting when you first start it but you will be ok. I’ve never had to have needles or anything like I have throughout IVF and I was fine so you will be too. Good luck and lots of love Xxx

Livinginhope2019 profile image

Good luck with your cycle, sending you positive vibes xxx

Kiedy84 profile image

Hey hun I was at that stage not that long ago myself, now almost 30 weeks pregnant 🙈

It is so hard, I had a breakdown on day 2 massive panic attack I wanted to cancel the while thing! It's not easy but it's so worth giving it a go. We are all here for you if you have any questions or want to chat xxxx

LeeCee15 profile image

You’re right this is a great place of support and you’re definitely not alone. Wishing you lots of luck 🙂 Xx

Mystic9 profile image

Welcome! I posted a very similar post to you only 2 and a half weeks ago and now I'm feeling fully recovered from the whole process with 11 blastocysts in the freezer. It's crazy how fast the process goes once you get started. We've been trying to take a few pictures every now and again of random things like holding the injection or waiting in the clinic for a scan, which has really helped now I'm trying to reflect on it. And they are quite funny too!

Good luck! X

Sunshine_yellow profile image
Sunshine_yellow in reply to Mystic9

Hi how are you getting on? I followed your idea and took some pictures along the way 😊11 is a brilliant result!! So pleased for you. What your next step now then?x

Mystic9 profile image
Mystic9 in reply to Sunshine_yellow

We were really lucky and had 4 more frozen on day 6 so now have 15. It's very strange now that we've frozen everything we have to just wait a couple of months (until after the Christmas closure) before preparing for a FET. So much happened in a short space of time and now it's like life has gone completely back to normal.

Hope your scans go well x

Pharmacistguide profile image

hope your first injection went well today. If you have never injected yourself before it can be quite daunting. Good luck

Pearso78 profile image

Hi Sunshine_yellow, I am similiar to you, first round , started injections yesterday. Hope yours are going well and you are feeling ok. My eldest sister has done IVF twice and both times succesful I have a 4 year old nephew and a 1 month old niece! So I am getting alot of advice and support from her. I was so worried about the injections as I am having to do them to myself, as hubby works away in the army - but it was much better than I had anticipated and didnt really hurt at all. I am on 225 meriofert daily and start with Fyremadel on Thursday my Scan on saturday to see how everything is progressing then probably another a week today..... so then egg collection due around 27th - 29th.

Its so good to know other people going through same things at the same time. xxx

Sunshine_yellow profile image
Sunshine_yellow in reply to Pearso78

Hi, oh that’s so nice to hear that this worked for your sister 😁Im finding the injections ok too. I’m on Menopur and I started Fyremadel on Sunday. That was a bit trickier because its going in my leg but it didn’t hurt. My husband does all the prep stuff for me and I inject myself. In a weird way I thought it would hurt less if I did it myself 🤣

I’ve got my scan tomorrow morning. I’m already feeling a little achy and swollen not sure if that means anything. Wishing you lots of luck and keep in touch. It is really comforting to hear other people going through the same thing xxxx

Pearso78 profile image
Pearso78 in reply to Sunshine_yellow

Well I had a little drama this morning, I couldnt get the mixing needle off to put the yellow one was so stuck on! I eventually got it off after panicking a bit and breaking a nail in the process. Yeah I was trying to watch videos of the Fyremadel and how much skin to grab on leg.

Yes think your symptoms are a good sign, drugs are working and follicles developing :-) let me know how scan goes xxx

Sunshine_yellow profile image
Sunshine_yellow in reply to Pearso78

Hey, oh no what a nightmare!! Things like that always send you into a panic!! My scan went ok today (I think!!) she saw 6 follicles on one side and 3 on the other. All ok sizes and developing well. Hopefully they’ll be bigger again when I go for the next scan on Thursday. At my baseline scan they found 19 follicles so I can’t help being a little disappointed today. I keep telling myself it’s early days and lots can happen with the next two scans. Not sure if I should just be grateful they found any!xx

Pearso78 profile image
Pearso78 in reply to Sunshine_yellow

Yes i definately panicked! Ahh that is good news, and yes wait to see what tomorrows scan brings keeping everything crossed for you xxx

Gem2410 profile image

Hi. I hope all is going well? How are you feeling about it all? Im on Meriofert 500iu, and I started the injections yesterday. It’s my first round too. I was really nervous and emotional too. But after my first one yesterday I was okay. Even though I hate needles. My partner has been giving me them. We have to go in for our baseline scan once my period starts. Which is hopefully this Sunday. It’s nice to know you are not alone at a time like this. xx

Sunshine_yellow profile image

Hi yes it’s all going well so far. I do feel like I’m even crossing my fingers in my sleep 🤣how are you finding it all? Are you finding the injections ok? I’ve got a scan tomorrow, this will be my day 8 xx

Gem2410 profile image
Gem2410 in reply to Sunshine_yellow

Aww good to hear. I’m glad it’s going well for you. I know let’s pray it works 🤞 Surprisingly okay. I’m just trying to take everyday as it comes. Although when my partner gave me my injection today he went with a bit of force, and it hurt for the first time 🤣 This is my day 3 so a little behind you. Is that your baseline scan? xx

Sunshine_yellow profile image
Sunshine_yellow in reply to Gem2410

Yeah I’m really trying to take each day as it comes too. My baseline scan showed 9 follicles on one side and 10 on the other. This scan was to see how the medication is working. Today she saw 6 on one side that we’re doing well and three on the other side. Back for another scan on Thursday and Saturday and then hopefully egg collection next Monday. Most of the follicles were between 0.8 and 1.3 they said they need to be up to 1.7 🤞🏻they’re bigger on Thursday xx

Gem2410 profile image
Gem2410 in reply to Sunshine_yellow

Aww okay. It all sounds promising! I hope your scan went well yesterday? xx

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