Well after getting all psyched up for a 3 day transfer today we had a call letting us know they want to do it on Saturday instead. All 5 are still alive and healthy thank god and i'm praying this continues and we may even get some frosties. Any success stories of a 5 day transfer please? Is this good news? Prayers and baby dust for everyone going through this uncertain journey xx
Any 5 day transfer success stories? TIA - Fertility Network UK
Any 5 day transfer success stories? TIA

My understanding is that 5 days is preferred as they have more time to watch the development and choose the best for transfer. I got pregnant after a 5day but unfortunately suffered a missed miscarriage. However I currently pregnant with a second 5 day fresh transfer. I would see it as a positive! Fingers crossed for you.xx
5 day embryos are generally stronger and in all my cycles they’ve only ever recommended day 5 transfers. They implant quickly too, within 24- 48 hrs so you start producing hcg within a few days and in 4 out of my 7 transfers that were bfp’s I had a positive pregnancy test with frer 5 days post transfer. Wishing you the v best of luck xxx

Thank you so much for your reply. How brave of you to go through this so many times too. This is our 1st one and the whole process is very draining. We're unexplained and have never been pregnant so i' m taking each day as it comes. Hope you're well x
Thinking of you and wishing g you the very best of luck!! 😘🙏🏼🤞🏼Xxx
My son is an ICSI 5 day transfer baby, his 4 months old now,
I’m sure they prefer to go with 5 day than 3, good luck xx
I had a five day FET with our last two embryos.Im currently 36 weeks pregnant with one.The journey is indeed uncertain but we stay strong and keep the faith.Good luck with everything.

Thank you for response and congratulations on your pregnancy. It must be so exciting- not long left until you meet your little one. Take care and God bless x
Day 5 is blastocyst so much better well done xxxx good luck
I will know on Saturday if any of my embryos made it to 5 days blasts... so so terrified!!!
Wishing you luck for tomorrow! Clinics actually prefer to do 5 day transfers over 3 day transfers as they have a better idea how to choose the best embryos at this stage.xx
I had provisional transfer booked for day 3 (with 3 top embryos)then they cancelled it and rebooked for day 5 .I had only 1 embryo that turn into blastocyst and nothing to freeze (I was heartbroken)...My transfer was on Wednesday so testing on 21th July.
Its always better to have transfer on day 5 so be positive and good luck 😘😘😘
Yes my ambie was day 5 blastocyst had BFP with it unfortunately it ended with miscarriage, however I was glad I did the 5 day transfer it proved to me my ambies are good quality
I think 5 day is preferred.. we had our first fresh 5day transfer and am now 10+5 pregnant! Xx
I had a 5 day transfer only had two little ones so they transferred both I now have a beautiful little girl keep positive xx
My current BFP was a day 5 FET XXX