I had the EndomeTRIO test a few weeks ago and an abnormal result for the EMMA which looks at the microbiome. I was on a week of antibiotics followed by a week of probiotics with a retest today. Has anyone else had this, and if so did your result go back to normal after the retest? If not, what did you do then?
Normal result after abnormal EMMA test? - Fertility Network UK
Normal result after abnormal EMMA test?

Hi, my ERA/Alice/Emma test came back with low Alice (low good bacteria so needed probiotics), Emma was normal. My Dr has me on probiotics for 4 weeks but not having it re tested. The box of probiotics says you stop after 7 days. Hoping it doesn't do any harm staying on them longer...
Do you have to have another biopsy scratch done?? That's rough!
Maybe I mixed up the names, but I have the same issue... low good bacteria. I did 7 days of probiotics, and then 1 per week as the probiotics instructions say. I had the retest after 7 days - while not pleasant my Consultant said the retest was free and so no reason not to do it.
Oh that's interesting. I didn't know it was free to retest.
Can you just do that at any time in your cycle without going through the whole process for the ERA?
10 days for results?
How long do you carry on with the one probiotic per week?
I do wonder if we stop them will the low bacteria levels drop again?
Please let me know how your results get on xx
What my Consultant said was that the company doesn’t charge for a retest so they don’t charge us either for it. Not sure if there is specific timing but they have to be able to get enough sample so my guess is probably in the second half of cycle. I didn’t have to do any meds as needed for for ERA (mine was medicated) as you can do the tests separately so it was really just the biopsy I had to repeat. They said 2-3 weeks for results but last time they were back in under 2 so hope for the same this time🤞I’ll continue the 1 probiotic a week indefinitely or until they tell me to stop, and I’ve also been taking oral probiotics as I figure it can’t hurt. Best of luck with your transfer, have you had your next one yet? Xx
Wonder why my Dr hasn't suggested I did a retest...
Which brand do you use?
I use Gyno-LACT
I was under heavy sedation for my era as I did a Hysteroscopy at the same time and if they'd have found anything they'd have removed it hence the sedation.
I've heard it's really painful...I think I'm too scared to go ahead with it unless I really have to.
Just waiting for my next cycle to start so hopefully do the next FET end of Nov...you?
I was surprised about the retest, so maybe it’s new - worth asking your clinic. It wasn’t pleasant and if I had to do it again I would take some paracetamol beforehand. But it goes by pretty quickly and just feels like bad cramps.
I am targeting end of Nov for next FET as well... all the best xx
What's all these tests please?what do they show etc.thanks x
They are for repeated implantation failure... one looks at the timing of endometrium receptivity (ERA) and the 2 others look at bacteria (both pathogenic and having enough “good” bacteria.