I had my official blood test yesterday. My result came back as 30. Less than 1 is not pregnant but they said they look for a level of over 75 to say I am pregnant. Has anyone heard of anyone getting a level of 30 and continuing on to have a successful pregnancy? I'm really scared because after googling it I discovered that a low level can mean an ectopic pregnancy and the last thing I need is something that will make it harder to conceive.
Indeterminate pregnancy test result - Fertility Network UK
Indeterminate pregnancy test result

Sorry I can't advise on your number, but I've got everything crossed for you that your number is just starting low & everything is ok x
My hcg was 14 and it turned out I was pregnant with twin girls- who are now 5.5 months old. After my initial test my hcg did increase quickly but it was a horrible 24 hours waiting to see if was going to go up or down. Are you booked in for another test tomorrow?
They told me to come back in a week. My 2ww just became a 3ww. I think I'm going insane (I just accepted it at the time but after looking on my old enemy Google, no one else seems to have been asked to wait more than 3 days). Thanks for your reply, it's nice to know that it has still worked out for some people. Xx
Is there an EPU you can go to for a blood test in the meantime? As you know your hcg level one test should be all you need. I'd avoid doing POAS tests if you can, I had a Clearblue one tell me I was 2 weeks less pregnant than I knew I was- made me think my hcg had decreased and not helpful at all. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. X
I hadn't thought of an epu. I'm going to call the unit on Monday and see if they'll test me earlier. If not I'll go to the epu and see what they say. Do you think they'll test me there and then if I go down?
I haven't had any personal experience of an EPU but it's surely worth a phone call? It does seem naughty of your clinic to make you wait in limbo when they can give you an answer.
I called the epu this morning they were very dismissive and wouldn't see me. They seems to have taken it personally that I had the nerve to call them and told me I'd have to go and wait at the walk in centre to get a referral. Their attitude towards me was pretty bad. I can't imagine ever going there after the way they spoke to me.
Charming- I'm sorry. That's a terrible way to treat someone in a stressful and upsetting situation.
I'm over it. I called the assisted conception unit this morning and they agreed to test me again today. I get my results at 2pm. Thanks for pushing me to call. I need to speak up for myself more.
Well done for calling. It's not fair to leave you hanging like that. I hope your hcg has increased. X
Mine was 41 and they took it again a few days later and it leaped to 166. I'm now 8 weeks pregnant and we saw the babies heartbeat the other week. Don't give up and don't think the worst. Fingers crossed for you xx
I'm so sorry that your hcg levels dropped... This has happened to me 4 times and they term these as 'chemical pregnancies'. It means that an embryo started to implant and release hcg into your system, but then the pregnancy fails. It's heart breaking, but I hope it give you hope that at least the embryo tried to implant.
Hugs to you, I know how difficult it must be for you at this time xx
Life sucks is an understatement.
I wish you well hon be good to yourself and hubby take a beak away from it all let your body recuperate, have a drink let your hair down.
If it's meant to be it will.
We are trying to heal after losing our precious bundle at 17 w gave birth in July 4th buried him In July 13th. The pain eases slowly and each day gets by minute a little easier but we think of our Khalil every second of every minute of everyday.
Prayers for all of us 😘

I'm so sorry to hear you news. Thinking of you. Xx