Husband has been told he needs to give up smoking before we can be referred for IVF. It’s day 2 and he’s really struggling, I don’t know what to suggest or how to help as I’ve never smoked? Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated. Xx
Husband giving up smoking before IVF.... - Fertility Network UK
Husband giving up smoking before IVF. Advice and tips.

Hi Chloe,
There's a big campaign coming up called Stoptober but people can sign up any time. Here's a really good link If he's not using any nicotine replacements try encourage him to consider patches plus mouth spray or mini lozenges.
Just an fyi, as long as your Husband's sperm samples are healthy (now this is a little naughty but wanted to offer this info as a support to you as I know people genuinely really struggle to quit) - your Hubby will be tested via a Carbon Monoxide monitor and it can only detect a smoker within 2-3 days of their last cigarette. As long as your Husband can quit and blow a non-smokers level on the test, you can say he quit any time you like. As I said it's a bit naughty & not good to be dishonest if he needs to quit to boost his own fertility etc. Did they say how long he needs to be a nonsmoker for your ccg criteria? Xx
Thank you for replying. I really struggle to help him as I don’t know what it’s like... but I will look into that. He’s using the chewing gum as and when he needs it, but said it isn’t doing much. He doesn’t want to use patches he tried before and they irritated his skin. The fertility doctor said once he’s smoke free 6 months she will refer us for IVF. The wait is so horrible and frustrating xx ( he has problems with morphology being 1%) so not sure if not smoking can help this? Feel at a dead end at the minute xx
It’s hard for sure. I gave up for treatment and just went cold turkey. I still miss it now.. the only thing that kept me going was my determination to have a baby. I hope your husband succeeds and finds it easier soon xx
My husband quit with tablets he got from the go. Can’t remember what they’re called but I think he saw a nurse. Basically you start the tablets while still smoking and they start to make you feel sick when you smoke. You stop smoking and stay on the tablets for a few weeks (can’t remember how long) then you slowly decrease the dose until you’re off them. My husband had smoked for 20 years and this was the only thing that worked. He hasn’t smoked for 2 years now and his morphology went up from 0% to 2%!
Tell your husband to call gps and tell the receptionist what the appointment is for so he sees the right person.
My husband and I both went cold turkey as we were so determined for a baby. The gum helped a little in the beginning. Now we’re so glad we did it for our own health although our struggle with infertility continues, it’s a relief to know our lungs appreciate the break from smoking.
The best thing is to support each other and know it won’t be easy. Keep reminding each other the end goal and it helps to stay off it. As well, social environments tend to increase the need so perhaps try not going out as much if you can... especially around those who smoke.
My OH did it with Champix (prescription from doctor). Good luck xx