When in your cycle did you have a Hys... - Fertility Network UK

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When in your cycle did you have a Hysteroscopy?

Fingerscrossed38 profile image

Does it matter on which cycle day you have a Hysteroscopy? Can it be done after ovulation or is the lining too thick??

Has anyone had an ERA at the same time as a Hysteroscopy? My Dr wants to do them together but I worry the lining is too thick at that time to see anything during a Hysteroscopy...

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Fingerscrossed38 profile image
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45 Replies

Hi, the main thing about they hysteropscopy is you must not be pregnant - so they advise protected sex that month but I don't believe it matters whether its pre or post ovulation. I am sorry I don't know what an ERA is?

I found hysteropscopies a doddle to be honest and really nothing to worry about x

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply to

Thanks for replying.

Era is endometrial receptivity assay. They did a mock transfer cycle and take a biopsy on the day you'd normal transfer a frozen embryo. They then send biopsy off to assess if the window of transfer is correct and adjust progesterone accordingly.

I've just read that Hysteroscopy needed to be done just after period had finished to have thin lining. But the ERA needs to be done after ovulation when lining is thicker.

Dr says I can do both together during ERA timing (thicker lining) but I want to double check.

Do you remember when in your cycle you had your Hysteroscopy?

Tryagain45 profile image

Hi - I think hysteroscopy can be done anytime - I'm having one soon and will have been on continuous pill for 26 days. The timing of the ERA is the important one.

Hope this helps....

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply toTryagain45

So you'll be having a trustworthy and ERA together? Or just Hysteroscopy? I've not done medicated so don't know if 26 days on the pill will mean you'll have a thicker lining or thinner?

Tryagain45 profile image
Tryagain45 in reply toFingerscrossed38

I'll just be having the hysteroscopy - I think it's just a precaution as I've had 3 failed FETs, so just be good to have a look in there before we go back for our last embryo...

Tryagain45 profile image
Tryagain45 in reply toTryagain45

lining will be thick enough...

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply toTryagain45

Ok. Have you ever had an ERA to double check you're transferring at the right time? I'm sorry you've gone through 3 failed. I've had one and completely thrown by it. I'm too scared to try again until I've done a few tests first :-( thanks for your advice and good luck with the Hysteroscopy. I think we'll be doing it around the same time xx

Tryagain45 profile image
Tryagain45 in reply toFingerscrossed38

I haven't done an ERA as my second FET was positive but then resulted in an early miscarraige so I think we are confident that the transfer conditions are ok. The hysteroscopy is just some reassurance before we go for the 4th FET.

the first time you have a failed FET is hard - you always hope you're going to be one of the lucky ones that it works first time for. The only way we have gotten through 3 of them is that we believe that each FET is like one months worth of trying to conceive for 2 young fertile people! So we decided at the start that it might take 3 or 4 gos.....while secretly hoping it would be quicker than that. Its great that you're having some tests now to see if there is anything you can do to improve your chances before trying again. I've done endometrial scratch to improve implantation the last 2 times. We had some success so I think it's worth doing.

I wish you the best of luck with it and hope it gives you some reassurance that everything looks good for the next FET...xx

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply toTryagain45

Thanks. You both have a good outlook on it and I think I need to be less negative about it all. Best of luck with yours too 🍀🍀

Tryagain45 profile image
Tryagain45 in reply toFingerscrossed38

Hey there...did you have your hysteroscopy yet? I had mine yesterday...x

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply toTryagain45

Hi, I also had my Hysteroscopy and ERA yesterday. They found nothing! Everything looked normal. I know I should feel happy about that but part of me is sad because I had pinned hope on there being something that was the reason for my losses...

How are you? How did it go? Pretty tender today? I think my pain is from the ERA though

Tryagain45 profile image
Tryagain45 in reply toFingerscrossed38

Hiya...I'm really glad to hear it went well for you. I understand the reason for you not being elated as we are always looking for a reason that things aren't working. But I always console myself and think that for those with no fertility issues, things sometimes don't work for them everyday either. Mine went well too. All looked good. One little polop and they removed it but doctor didn't think it would have been anything to interfere with implantation. So I'm trying to see the positives...which is that my womb in good shape and there's no reason as little embryo won't implant in there!! We are having our 4th FET at the end of Oct so preparing for that now and looking forward.

When are you planning your next cycle?

Tryagain45 profile image
Tryagain45 in reply toTryagain45

And yes I'm tender and bit tired from anaesthetic.. I'm home in bed😊

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply toTryagain45

I'm glad all went well for you too.

We are awaiting the ERA results and a few other blood tests which should take 10 days roughly. We are thinking we'll start the next FET and pray we get the results in time before transfer day otherwise ill cancel the cycle. I'm not willing to risk another embryo until I've got the all clear from these results. Dr says I should start my cycle in the next 3-5 days and transfer day would be roughly the sometime the week of the 21st October...

Rest up missy xx

Tryagain45 profile image
Tryagain45 in reply toFingerscrossed38

Well I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get good news on the rest of your tests and can move forward with another transfer in your next cycle...we should transfer about a week apart I think. Keep me posted! And the best of luck xx

Tryagain45 profile image
Tryagain45 in reply toFingerscrossed38

Hope you got some good test results x

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply toTryagain45

My main ERA result came back that I need 12 hours extra progesterone before we transfer again. Still waiting for bacteria results.

I'll also do clexane due to slight blood clotting issue and pray that these small changes are enough to make the next one stick! Should transfer around 24th...

Tryagain45 profile image
Tryagain45 in reply toFingerscrossed38

Thats great news! I've been on clexane for all my transfers - I'm always glad when they add something else into my meds regime as it makes me feel like it increases my chances!! Our transfer scheduled for the 29th so not too far from your date! Exciting times ahead!!!

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply toTryagain45

It's hard to get excited because I feel like that must be a more complex reason for these failures. Can't see how 12 hours and a bit of clexane can make a difference. I'll have another scan next Friday so I'll know more about transfer date.

Tryagain45 profile image
Tryagain45 in reply toFingerscrossed38

How many failed transfers have you had?

And changing things even slightly can make all the difference. Plus the embryo has a lot to do with it - sometimes no matter what you do it just wont get going.... theres a lot of uncertainty and unknowns in this which make it difficult. Even when you do it all right and have perfect embryos it doesn't work. But you have to try and stay positive every time and hope that it will work. There is no reason why this shouldn't work for you next time - but most of it it out of your hands. The way I like to see it is that if this is the baby I'm supposed to have then it will work - if it doesn't work then it just wasn't the one.......

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply toTryagain45

I've had two natural miscarriages and then I just had a chemical with a PGS normal blastocyst. I have been devastated because I thought PGS wound have upped our chances but even that ended. Just worried it's a deeper underlining issue. You're right though. Positive thoughts 🌻

Tryagain45 profile image
Tryagain45 in reply toFingerscrossed38

That's hard going - I'm really sorry to hear you've had such a hard time of it. And I can imagine that when you have a perfect embryo you just assume its gonna work and then when it doesn't its really tough to take.....

All you can do is think that it will work - but you just don't know which time that will be. Do you have more embryos?

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply toTryagain45

Yes we have 5 pgs normal left. I don't want to keep experimenting with them though. If this next one fails I'll need to explore more extensive areas I think

Tryagain45 profile image
Tryagain45 in reply toFingerscrossed38

Fantastic that you have 5 left! And it may just be a case of trying until one works - try to remember that there is no amount of investigating that you can do that will give you a gaurentee of success - biology is still a mystery! I've children from a previous marraige and have now tried 3 times with donor eggs and it hasn't worked. So it's just a matter of keeping on trying......

Keeping everything crossed for you that your next transfer works x

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply toTryagain45

You got your results?

Tryagain45 profile image
Tryagain45 in reply toFingerscrossed38

They just came back and confirmed the polpys they removed were not abnormal so I'm good to go!

Meds on board - steroids much higher this time so I'm slightly wired!!!

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply toTryagain45

Phew that's good news! I've never done steroids..they scare me slightly. Fingers crossed the Oct transfer is the one for us both xx

thelordsanger profile image
thelordsanger in reply toFingerscrossed38

did you have GA or sedation?

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply tothelordsanger

Heavy sedation apparently. Didn't feel or remember a thing! Bit tender today but nothing like after egg collection so that's good.

thelordsanger profile image
thelordsanger in reply toFingerscrossed38

good to here it,s all good. how long does it take to recover? wife was only asleep a hour and a half but it was 5 hours before we could leave hospital

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply tothelordsanger

I was out for about 45 minutes/ hour and slept for around 45 minutes till I was woken. I was totally fine after that. A bit sleepy the next day. I was only on deep sedation not general anesthetic in the end. Hopefully she's feeling better now?

thelordsanger profile image
thelordsanger in reply toFingerscrossed38

i just wondered if sedation was quicker recovery than GA sounds slightly quicker. there is no dreaded cancer but single hormone pill has only brought moderate relief was ok a few of months ago but her periods seem to be getting more painful again and she does not want a coil and defnatly does not want endometrial arbitration and is not %100 to do and often delays a hysterectomy so not sure what to do think she is hopeing menopause comes soon but she is coping for now thanks for asking

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply tothelordsanger

Sounds really tough for her. Not fair! I am not much help unfortunately. Is it endometriosis? Did she have a laparoscopy?

Cinderella5 profile image

My clinic wanted to do mine at the beginning of my cycle but after my period had finished.xx

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply toCinderella5

That's when I thought it should be fine but my clinic says I can do ERA and Hysteroscopy at the same time. We need to do the ERA specifically 5 days after ovulation when lining is thickest. Hysteroscopy sounds like it should be done as you say just after period is finished.

I don't know if I should refuse to do it together now or not?

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply toFingerscrossed38

I guess you have to trust your clinic. I cant think that they would have you do the hysteroscopy if they thought they wouldnt be able to see what they need to. I guess all you can do is pose the question and if they are confident that its not a problem then go with it!xx

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply toCinderella5

I find it so hard to relinquish control and trust them. I'll ask them and see how they respond. Xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply toFingerscrossed38

I know exactly how you feel, in fact that is one of the main struggles I have! I think you should just email them with your concerns that.....most ladies seem to have hystero's earlier in the cycle, what exactly are they looking for and are they confident that they will be able to see everything they want to with it being later in your cycle etc. I always just remind myself that we are paying a huge amount of money to these clinics and they should answer/reassure us whenever we need it!!xx

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply toCinderella5

That's true! I hate feeling like I'm second guessing them and that they're getting annoyed with me for it. Xx

I did my hysteroscopy on the 8 th day of the cycle

Egg retrieval was before that period

Immediately the month after hysteroscopy I had my fet done that is on 4 th October

And I must tell you hysteroscopy has been the worst experience of my life

It was that painful

That may vary from person to person

But hopefully my result came back normal

And only then my doctor proceeded with the procedure

Wish you all the best dear

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply to

So sorry you've had a bad experience :-( I ended up having sedated. They didn't find anything

thelordsanger profile image
thelordsanger in reply to

im sorry to here that do you know about the sprourt group hysteroscopyaction.org.uk and there is a closed group on face book (no men) facebook.com/HysteroscopyA/...

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply tothelordsanger

It's great you're advocating for women's right to choose pain relief if she desires it for a Hysteroscopy. Please can you post the link on a reply to Sweetheart143 who had the unfortunate experience so hopefully she can join you in your survey xx

thelordsanger profile image
thelordsanger in reply toFingerscrossed38

i thourght i did sorry it does say in reply to Sweetheart143 next to my post are you taged in it as well?

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply tothelordsanger


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