Telling my manager today about going ... - Fertility Network UK

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Telling my manager today about going through fertility treatment

Kat_15 profile image
18 Replies

Hi lovely ladies

Telling my boss today about going through my IVF treatment and that I will need more time off in the coming months. Any tips of how to approach it? Hoping I don’t get too emotional! My manager is really nice but I’m sure he wont be expecting what I have to say! He knows I had a hospital yesterday though.

Thank you! xxx

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Kat_15 profile image
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18 Replies
Shinyhalo1 profile image

I can’t tell my boss! He’s proper old school and it’s a workshop environment; lots of big burly blokes who don’t want to talk about their feelings and just the mention of periods leaves them sweating 😂. I so wish I could be honest with my boss tho! You lucky thing!!

I have to tell lots of white lies as to why myself and my partner (who works in the same workshop) are having odd days off - some of the things are ridiculous 🤭 xx

Kat_15 profile image
Kat_15 in reply to Shinyhalo1

Hi Shinyhalo. Thanks for your message. Sorry to hear that. I know exactly what you mean about making up all sorts of excuses! That’s so nice you and your partner work together!

My boss was really supportive and he is going to explore getting me leave for my next cycle (it’s included in our special leave policy). Wishing you lots of luck and good vibes Xx

3005 profile image

Hi Kat, I’ve never told a male boss but when I told my female boss she told me she’d tried for 3 years and was about to start ivf when she fell. I was surprised she understood, you never know your boss might have suffered too.

Just remember we’re all human and although it’s a tough subject to bring up this is your number 1 priority right now. Be clear with him what you need/want this is a tough time and difficult to have to explain but when you get it off your chest it’s so much better when they know and you can feel like you don’t have to worry about work and concentrate on you.

Kat_15 profile image
Kat_15 in reply to 3005

Hello, thank you for your thoughtful message. I feel like a weight has been lifted! My boss was really supportive and is going to look to arrange for me to take leave for our next cycle as IVF treatment is included in our special leave policy. I got a bit upset when I first stared telling him but it was okay after that. He said two of his best friends had been through IVF and even offered to ask them what clinic they used!

So sorry to hear about your negative result. My heart goes out to you. Sending you a massive hug. xx

3005 profile image
3005 in reply to Kat_15

Glad you’re sorted hun xxx

Well done!! ❤️

I told the CEO last week. I tried to resign and he asked why. It all came out - I sobbed and completely broke down.

He was very human and understood. He has given me time off to travel for treatment.

I do think that - if you can trust your boss - it is SO much easier.

He also has a duty to protect you so everything you say is confidential.

In terms of an approach - just be you; be human. You will be able to judge his reaction and respond accordingly. But have your goal in mind and make sure you leave with getting what you want!

You can do it! 💪🏼

Keep us posted ❤️❤️

Kat_15 profile image
Kat_15 in reply to

Hi Anna. Thanks so much for your message and sharing your experience. Like your boss, my manager was really supportive and said he will look into what leave I can get under our special leave policy which allows time off for IVF. I feel so relieved and like a weight has been lifted! Wishing you lots of luck and positive vibes for your upcoming cycle. ❤️ xxx

Peony85 profile image

Hi Kat, I told my boss after my first failed cycle and was so relieved once I did as she was really helpful / supportive. I have do it since I knew there were times I wouldn’t be able to do week long trips to the US. I was surprised at how well she responded and basically told me - family is the most important thing so do what you need to do and take care of yourself. I also broke down when having the discussion as it was harder for me to talk about than expected. I would agree with the other advice to be as open and honest as you feel you can be and judge a bit from how he responds, but hopefully he will be open and supportive! Wishing you the best of luck.

Kat_15 profile image
Kat_15 in reply to Peony85

Hi Peony. Thank you for your thoughtful message. My boss was really lovely about it and said similar things to your boss. He is going to explore how I can get time off for my next cycle as IVF is included in our special leave policy. So relieved I have told him! I got bit upset initially but after a bit of a cry I managed to pull myself together and explain everything to him! Sending you lots of positive vibes. xx

CLou21 profile image

I kept alot from my manager for a long time and when it cane to needing IUI treatment I knew I needed to be more honest. She was absolutely amazing and now I am having IVF she has been even more supportive. Good luck! X

Kat_15 profile image
Kat_15 in reply to CLou21

Hi CLou. Thank you for your kind message. I’m so pleased to hear your boss was so supportive. The conversation with my boss went well so I am so relieved to have told him. Hope your 2ww is going well so far. Hope it zooms by for you. Xx

Noah1981 profile image

Well I though being honest with my boss she would be so understanding 😂😂😂 how feckin wring was I she asked me the other day how I was getting on with my “thingy” I said it’s fertility treatment she said oh yea so if these three goes don’t work would you not just be happy you have Noah your 37 now and the older you get the more chances of your child been Down syndrome I wanted the floor to swallow me bearing in mind this case from a lady who has 2 sons nearly both 40 she treats them like babies and still tells us about how her son loved boobie when he was a baby then she asked me if she could have my scan appointments when they check my follicles in advance some people have no filter nor have they a clue the emotions we go through but good luck I hope not ever boss is a selfish bitch like mine 😥😥 x

Kat_15 profile image
Kat_15 in reply to Noah1981

Oh my goodness, you poor thing! That’s so insensitive. Some people have absolutely no idea what it’s like to go through fertility treatment! Wishing you lots of positive vibes and lots of luck for your next cycle. I’m rooting for you! 💪🍀🤞🤗🌈 xx

Wow that’s brave - like some of the others I think it will impact my career negatively - however was really interested to read that it’s included in your special leave policy.. what sort of industry do you work in? Well done for doing it and really hope you feel better for it x

Kat_15 profile image
Kat_15 in reply to

Thanks Daisy for your message. 😊I have been in my job over a year now (I moved to a job closer to home last year to have a shorter commute) and hadn’t told anyone at work until today. However I don’t have much leave left now so checked our policy and saw it was included so I decided it was time to let my boss know. I’m very lucky that my boss is a really nice guy and was very supportive. I’m so relieved! I work in the NHS. xx

in reply to Kat_15

So glad it went well and you feel better for it! Onwards and upwards! x

Kat_15 profile image
Kat_15 in reply to

Aww thank you. 😊Definitely! xx

Kyell2 profile image

Oh that’s great that your boss was so supportive. I truly don’t think I could have done this treatment without my boss knowing, he covers for me all the time and gives me as much time off as I want.

He is a typical man though and likes to know as little as possible about what happens at the appointment. I do like to amuse myself by coming in and discussing pessaries and vaginal scans to make him uncomfortable 😂😂 x

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