OTD yesterday and BFP and light spott... - Fertility Network UK

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OTD yesterday and BFP and light spotting today.. Should I ring the clinic or am I being dramatic?

JadeH92 profile image
10 Replies

So it was my OTD yesterday from my first Frozen Embryo Transfer (5 day blastocyst) so I am approximately 4 weeks and 5 days (according to an online calculator). I have just been for a wee and noticed small amounts of spotting when I wiped. I have had period pains and cramps throughout the TWW but I have just put this down to my endometriosis and be always being in pain. I have my first scan booked for the 27th August. Should I ring the clinic or wait it out? Kinda just wish my body would have let me enjoy being pregnant for a bit longer before it started stressing me out! Thanks in advance!

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JadeH92 profile image
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10 Replies
Poppy_2018 profile image

Congratulations on your BFP, but sorry you're going through pregnancy anxieties already. I'm not an expert but I think if it were me I'd give my clinic a call just for reassurance. I'm 6w today and a couple of days ago developed cramping pains and brown spotting. My clinic have stopped my clexane and moved my scan to monday. I hope that everything will be ok for you and that you can enjoy your pregnancy x

Kempton profile image

Definitely ring to let them know your result and do tell them about the spotting. It could just be left over blood from implantation.

I spotted at around 5-6 weeks with my first pregnancy and went on to have a really easy pregnancy and great birth experience. I also had cramps that were uncomfortable but not unbearable. I think it was round ligament pains.

It could be absolutely fine sp best to let someone know. As long as you are not bleeding heavily or experiencing severe cramps, all might be well. I hope it's ok.

I’m sorry you are going through this it’s horrible seeing any blood pregnant .

I’ve had bleeding with both of my full term pregnancies & have a grown up son & 2 month old daughter. I also have endometriosis.

I don’t think you are being over dramatic I think you should call your clinic they won’t be able to scan you till you’re 6 weeks but they might be able to run bloods to check your HCG levels & that might help reassure you.

Rest up like bed rest is what my dr told me to do until it’s stopped.

Hope it eases soon xoxo

Kitty230515 profile image

Congratulations on your positive.

I would call the clinic, just to put your mind at ease. I’m sure everything will be fine, but it’s just peace of mind.


JadeH92 profile image

Thank you all so much for replying. I have been to the toilet a few times since and there hasn't been anything. So my anxiety has decreased a bit now. I have changed my plans for today and I am having a lazy day on the couch instead (watching keeping up with the Kardashians shocking I know haha). I have taken all of your advice and rang the clinic even though I am feeling a bit more relaxed about it, I know it won't hurt getting more reassurance. Plus I haven't told my partner because he's working today and I didn't want to stress him out and I know when I tell him when he gets home he will not be happy that I haven't at least logged it. Now I have come down off the ceiling I am thinking if I wasn't soo paranoid and over analysing I probably wouldn't have even noticed.. But even though it was the smallest amount my heart was in my mouth.

Thank you all again for replying! ❤❤

Fingerscrossed38 profile image

Glad you're feeling better about it. Are you using progesterone? What did your Dr say?

JadeH92 profile image
JadeH92 in reply to Fingerscrossed38

Hello! Yes I am on 6mg of Progynova and 800mg of Utrogestan daily. The nurse rang me back and told me to rest completely over the weekend and if the spotting starts again or I start bleeding heavy then to ring back up over the weekend. She told me unfortunately there isn't much they could do even if I was bleeding but informed me that it is very normal to bleed at this stage and also said it's common to have cramping especially if I have endometriosis. So I will just monitor it and take it easy. She also told me not to stress but that is soo much easier said than done 😂😂. Thank you for asking! ❤ xx

Fingerscrossed38 profile image
Fingerscrossed38 in reply to JadeH92

Ah it's so worrisome but take heed that many women bleed throughout and they're totally fine. Knowing all that though it's still completely nerve wracking! Hang in there, lots of rest and no hot water bottles! Xx

JadeH92 profile image
JadeH92 in reply to Fingerscrossed38

Thank you soo much and I know I am really missing my hot water bottle as well. Do you know when it is safe to start using it again? xx

Fingerscrossed38 profile image

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