Hi all,
So it has now been a month since we found out our little baby's heart had stopped beating. It's been 3 and a half weeks since we opted for medical management as I suffered a missed miscarriage. I guess part of my post is about hope and strength. I have been having therapy sessions to support me in managing my emotions which have really helped. I just want to say to everyone thats going through this that it does get better...... essay time!
I'll never forget the day we had a scan and were told those 4 devastating words... there is no heartbeat. That day I honestly felt like I would never be able to breathe again, I've heard people say that heartbreak is physical and I truly believe that... I felt my heart break into pieces, I felt pain like I've never felt, I felt hopelessness that I've never felt. That day I didn't think I would ever get out of bed again.... but I have. Life goes on but it's not easy. Each day is better than the day before, I search for something good in each day. There is hope and I'm starting to feel it, I'm still grieving our loss and will never forget the baby that we lost, the IVF process took all my might but I survived, this miscarriage took all my strength to get through but I'm surviving. We have been to hell and back in the longest, most traumatic month of our lives but you know what? We have come out fighting, we are stronger than we have ever been. I love my husband more now than ever and I didn't think that was possible. A month ago I was ready to let this defeat me.... to lie down and just let it overtake everything but I'm not. I'm going to fight through this as there is hope and light and we will get our happy ending.
My therapist asked me a really good question that I think is important for all of us TTC and going through crap.... how far would you go? When is enough enough? Currently I'm not at that point yet. But the one thing I'm not willing to lose is my husband and our relationship. He's been my best friend, my everything for 15 years and we have had a happy life. We yearn to be parents so so badly but I want him to father my children and if that's not in God's plan then I won't let it destroy us. I'll do almost anything for us to be parents but I won't lose us... that's my perspective.
Thanks for reading all.... sorry its sooo long.
Find strength from something or someone. You got this ladies! Don't lose yourself along the way! Xx