Hello ,Firstly, I hope you are all okay. I haven't posted for a while but just feel the need to share and seek some light at a dark time
After transferring our 5th and final embryo from our first round of ICSI (due to severe male factor issues), we were overjoyed to find out that at last we had a positive test with good HCG levels all achieved naturally. 6 week scan went swimmingly with a good heartbeat and measurements. I felt all the symptoms, nausea, enlarged breasts everything
Yesterday at our 9 week optional scan, everything came crashing down. To my shock, scanning nurse said " it's not good news today, baby hasn't developed and no heartbeat." I wailed inconsolably with shock.
I'm now waiting for medical management of the missed miscarriage but wondering what all this means for the future. I already had recurrent implantation tests after 4th transfer and they showed nothing wrong.
Should I take comfort knowing I did manage to get pregnant? We have another funded round, but I will be 36 soon and just panicking that the future.
Like so many of you I dreamed the nightmare would be over and had begun planning the future. How do you pick yourself up?
Sending love to everyone who is going through their own strife. Xxx