Hello all, I haven't posted since our 2ww last December but regularly look at everyone's IVF journeys when it comes up in my email. We are most blessed to have our beautiful baby boy who is now 12 weeks old. I just wanted to share our news as I know it used to bring my hubby and I so much hope when we read about successful IVF experiences. We had been ttc for 4 years and were unable to have treatment on NHS due to removal of funding in our area. We were so fortunate that my parents in law offered to lend us the money to pay for private treatment. As you will see from my previous post our chances of success weren't that great due to only one embryo developing successfully and the clinic choosing to do egg transfer on day 3 as they felt it would not survive to day 5. However our one little embryo was a miracle and is now our gorgeous son. We feel so lucky that our journey has had a happy outcome and we wish everyone going through this difficult and emotional experience the best of luck. Lots of love x x x
A post to bring some hope on this mos... - Fertility Network UK
A post to bring some hope on this most difficult journey.

Such a lovely post. This journey is so hard but success stories bring us all hope. Congratulations, your little one sounds lovely 💕
I'm now 34 weeks and anxiously waiting the arrival of this little one. I don't think I'll be able to relax until he/she is in my arms.
This site has given me so much support and comfort over the years I can't help be check it every day and I just love stories like yours. Thank you xxx
Congratulations, that's wonderful. I didn't properly believe it until I was holding baby. Every time we went for a scan I kept expecting them to say that it had been a mistake and I wasn't really pregnant, when you've longed for something for so long and you finally get it, it's the most wonderful thing. I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well and you have a safe and straightforward delivery. I ended up having my little one at home with the midwife arriving after he was born (very much unplanned!) scary but all worth it. Lots of luck x x x
Lovely to read this, congratulations to you and here's hoping 2017 will be a good year for lots of us here 😊 Xx
Great news. It only takes one. Thanks for sharing x
Ah how lovely that you shared this post. Many congratulations and thank you for bringing positive hope to others.
This is such a lovely post. As they say "it only takes one".
You have given me the hope to keep going.
Best wishes to you and the family. Xx
So exciting to hear - congrats on your successful delivery and thanks for sharing. We all want to be you! Enjoy your first Christmas as a family x