Unmedicated Frozen Embryo Transfer? A... - Fertility Network UK

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Unmedicated Frozen Embryo Transfer? Any success & Advice, Please?!

runsoncuddles profile image
26 Replies

Hello Ladies, after taking a few weeks to gain some clarity after our BFN, we had our first consulatation with the consulatant today regarding the next step.

We have 3 good quality frozen embryos & im grateful for that. However we were told that this time will be unmedicated so not to put my body under stress.

We start the process in mid July.

Just out of curiosity has anyone done this & gotten a BFP followed by a healthy pregnancy? If so please share your journey, Tips on diet supplements etc with us. It will be much appreciated. Thank you ✨

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runsoncuddles profile image
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26 Replies
Solly-44 profile image

I haven’t had an unmedicated FET but am interested in they responses from others who have too.

My clinic won’t do them because they want to be able to control the timings, but I really struggle with some of the drugs. I think if you can do one it’s a great idea personally - definitely something I’d look into if I changed clinics.

Good luck with your next cycle xx

runsoncuddles profile image
runsoncuddles in reply to Solly-44

Thank you so much for your reply.

on one hand I'm relieved to not have to put my body through another medicated cycle, and on the other I'm worried about losing a good embryo due to no medical support. Xx

E_05 profile image

I did an unmedicated FET apart from cycolgest and now have a 2 month old baby boy.

This was following 2 fresh cycles both ending in MMC and 2 unsuccessful medicated FETs. I would definitely recommend to try an unmedicated cycle if possible and it’s so much less stress on your body, wishing you lots of luck for your next cycle xx

runsoncuddles profile image
runsoncuddles in reply to E_05

Congratulations to you, how wonderful!! Thank you so much for sharing this with me. So much to think about xx

HopeTTC18 profile image

I would really look into the research on this before you make a decision. The medication is horrible and expensive but it’s used because it has higher success rates as I understand it.

I can’t say I’m too clued up on the success rates but just enough to know I wouldn’t want to risk an embryo with a natural FET. Wishing you the best of luck with whatever you decide to go with x

runsoncuddles profile image
runsoncuddles in reply to HopeTTC18

Thank you so much for your reply, you have given me something to think about. Xx

Vegemite profile image
Vegemite in reply to HopeTTC18

Having researched it thoroughly for months now and whilst being pressured by my clinic to do a medicated, they have admitted it’s only ‘marginally better in certain cases ‘. I won’t risk the stress and side effects it causes...

HopeTTC18 profile image
HopeTTC18 in reply to Vegemite

Seeing all the replies on here, my mind has changed on it now, it seems it can be successful. I don’t think I ovulate very often so it’s not something I want to try for myself but of course it must be so much better for the body for ladies it works for x

I did mine last October and my son is now 4 weeks old and sat on my knee and is perfectly healthy. All I did was not have any caffeine, took pregnacare and after transfer I took it easy for like 2 days as I was petrified of having an ectopic, but I don't even think that was necessary. Good luck xxxxxx

runsoncuddles profile image
runsoncuddles in reply to

Wow, that's amazing! Congratulations Lianna. Thank you so much for sharing your experience, it's much appreciated xx

in reply to runsoncuddles

No worries, I'd definitely do another one too, as long as you do ovulate and you have an LH surge you can detect your body does all the hormone stuff, your doctor wouldn't have recommended it if you didn't have a good chance if it working xxxxx

jenny34 profile image

Hi, I have 2 daughters both from unmedicated fets (apart from pessaries). I felt so much better without the drugs..the consultant explained it as: I there were no known issues with my fertility and I ovulate regularly so it was a good idea to try from scratch with no meds and it worked. Twice! We are v lucky I know. I would highly recommend unmedivated fet if no issues with ovulation etc . Good luck! Xxx

runsoncuddles profile image
runsoncuddles in reply to jenny34

Wow Jenny! Two babies both from unmedicated cycles. Congratulations!.

The idea of not being on meds is very appealing for obvious reasons so I appreciate your feedback. Thank you xxx

Olivia1980xxx profile image
Olivia1980xxx in reply to jenny34

Hi Jenny congratulations on your 2daughters .

I have a 25 month old baby girl from my second fresh cycle so now we trying for sibling.

I had my 3rd fresh cycle start in feb but didn’t work so we have one embryo from a cycle I had my baby and another 3 from the last one.

We went to clinic 3day to discuss what frozen cycle is best for me and she said that we will do natural one.

Is anything u done different when u had yours cycle? Will be great for any tips .xx

Fingerscrossed38 profile image

I'm also about to have my first ever FET unmedicated in mid-July. I'm worried because although i ovulate each month as far as I know, I don't always get a "Peak" on my Advanced Clear Blue monitor. Hopefully they're scanning and blood tests still predict ovulation instead. All the best with your decision

runsoncuddles profile image
runsoncuddles in reply to Fingerscrossed38

Good luck to you too. I hope everything goes well, please update us when you can. Thanks for replying ✨

Olivia1980xxx profile image
Olivia1980xxx in reply to Fingerscrossed38

I always had my regular period every 28 days and since I had my 3rd fresh cycle this feb end up BFN my period change...every 32 days .

My period should come on 9 July .xx

Padme777 profile image

I had my unmedicated FET last year and got BFP, unfortunately ended up with miscarriage at 7 weeks

runsoncuddles profile image
runsoncuddles in reply to Padme777

Hello Padme, I'm so sorry about your miscarriage. Wishing you well on this journey. Thank you for replying

Padme777 profile image
Padme777 in reply to runsoncuddles

Thank you very much, I’m currently on unmedicated FET cycle No2 so hopefully will have a date for transfer next week. Will keep you updated. My advice is to go ahead with your FET, wishing you best of luck, I’m sure you’ll have your little miracle very soon xxx

runsoncuddles profile image
runsoncuddles in reply to Padme777

Thank you so much, wishing you well too xx

Vegemite profile image

I cancelled my transfer on the basis of the drugs last week. I had stipulated that I didn’t want to do the drugs and they forced me into it. I shouldn’t be forced when they admit themselves it’s only marginally better in certain cases. It caused me more stress than anything else, and would rather my body not be stressed in preparation for a pregnancy.

Most clinics do it so they can control it, and it’s easier for them ....which I find horrible as we are all different women and shouldn’t be put in a one size fits all basket.

I also worry about women becoming addicted to the psychological side of these drugs, thinking that if they stop them they will do harm to the foetus.

When I put pressure on my clinic for clear answers, they admitted that’s it’s only a ‘hormone topper’, and can in some cases cause more irritation and side effects. Agreed in some cases this may be required, but not everyone. I wish you good luck, and continue to ask questions, as this is your body!

Fingers crossed and sending love

runsoncuddles profile image
runsoncuddles in reply to Vegemite

Gosh, I'm so sorry you've been through such an awful experience. It's a shame that we don't seem to have much of a say regarding treatment when it comes IVF. You're right there's no way a one size fits all approach is best for everyone. I have many other pre existing conditions and I try to avoid always being on some type of medication for whatever reason. This is the major reason why I thought to look into an unmedicated cycle, simply to give my mind and body a break.

I hope you're doing as well as can be, all things considered.Thank you for your reply. Sending you lots of hugs xx

emiliajj profile image

Hi I had fresh cycle ICSI last April then after couple of consultations like yourself we gd 3 Frosties so we decided to go for Natural FET. We waited for my May menstrual bleed. 10 days after I had a scan and was given ovulation Test to take home with me. Did it for 4 days and 14days after my last flow I had my surge (peak ovulation) rang the clinic and was scheduled for FET 6days after. It was stress free! Had my Transfer on 17Jul, unfortunately today 10dpt5dblastocyst I have been bleeding. So i know it didn’t work and been very down today.

However, my consultant suggested about endo scratch we didn’t opted for it so I might worth asking your consultant. Sometime I will consider next time just to do everything possible for my embryo to implant.

Wishing all the best of luck xx

runsoncuddles profile image
runsoncuddles in reply to emiliajj

I'm sorry to hear about the bleeding, I'm hoping against hope you still get good news. Like you we haven't looked into endo scratch, but will see in the future. Thank you for your reply. And fingers crossed for you xxx

Facingreality profile image

I hope you did try natural and it worked out for you.

Never got pregnant with medicated and I react badly to the drugs, so I wonder why clinics keep pushing medicated all the time. I think your clinic was great to give you that option. That is rare. I wish I knew which clinic it is.

I decided to try fully natural last time. Pregnacare vitamins. No medication. My consultant was very unsupportive of this, it was hurtful. I even had to demand blood tests, because the consultant did not order them. Fell pregnant. (I did a Clearblue pregnancy test exactly 7 days after the transfer and it was positive.) No support or checks from consultant or anyone at the clinic after the pregnancy was confirmed by them two weeks after transfer. You are lucky to have be with a clinic that is supportive of natural.

Sadly, lost at it at 7 weeks. I hope you had a positive outcome.

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