Hi ladies, hope you are all well in this crazy time.
We have started our frozen cycle as some of you might know, we couldn’t transfer any on our second cycle as I had Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome and then Covid19 happened and we were on hold.
I’m grateful we have started as so many of you are still waiting but first of all I’m so hopeless, I feel we will fail, no matter what... also I’m having really bad side effects, Buserelin was killing me already and now my body can’t cope with Progynova, since I have started it I’m having so much headache. Did any one was facing same side effects with Progynova? Any tips?
We are booked for second scan in a week and also we have to do a Covid19 test and believe me I’m so nervous that it could come positive, although I’m super careful, also I really don’t get the point of this test as we can catch it the moment after the test is done!
Sorry for moaning and I hope you all are having better day. ❤️