So just confirmed yesterday that our third transfer with DE has resulted in a BFN. Feeling absolutely gutted but lucky to have one more on ice so looking for any advice on what I can possibly do differently next time or what tests I should be asking for to figure out why this is happening. I’ve tried all the usual supplements/foods - Brazil nuts, beetroot, pomegranate juice, vit e, l’arginine. Wondering about endometrial scratch, hysteoscopy, NK cells, progesterone levels? I’ll try anything!
Suggestions after another failed impl... - Fertility Network UK
Suggestions after another failed implantation?

I've had scratches done in the past which didnt help me. I also had a hysteroscopy and hidden infection screening in my uterus along with NK cell testing. Nothing major came back, slight raised NK Cells and a slight clotting issue. So I now take clexane and do intralipids....last transfer we added prednisolone at my own request (consultant wasnt phased either way but said there wasnt much evidence to say it would help) and got a BFP although lost the pregnancy. That was our first BFP though. In my opinion the NK Cell testing isn't really that necessary if you have a clinic willing to let you try intralipids alongside prednisolone....if they find anything the treatment is much the same. It's a bit soul destroying but I so believe it's a numbers game too and that it's good to try to change things after a failed transfer. Thanks for your lovely message earlier, was really kind of you!! If you want to ask anything else then feel free!xx
Yes, I think you’re probably right about it being a numbers game. It’s just so difficult to stay positive and changing something, even if I know it’s unlikely to work, helps me to keep going. Fingers crossed for you this time round.
Hey, why don't you visit another clinic? I know people for whom things work out with a different doctor. Just research! Make sure the clinic you decide to visit has a high success rate. The doctors should also be experienced. These things matter a lot. Good luck to you.
Hi! After 7 failed embryos, I have finally had my progesterone levels checked and they were so low and that was on lubion so now on prontogest and being retested Monday so def ask to have progesterone tested!
I’ve had 5 scratches! I did get a BFP from the 4th time I had scratch but then miscarried so it’s not looking like the scratch is really helping? X
Scarlett can I pick your brain please? Im due for my second fet on tuesday. My dr changed my progesterone support from 2x crinone last time (bfn) to lubion in morning and crinone one in evening this time. So today is day 4 on progesterone. Just today I'm feeling that draggy loosening sensation low down- like I'm expecting AF in day or 2. Do you think I need more progesterone or am I just over thinking it? My clinic don't do pre ET testing.
I felt exactly the same a day before my last two transfers so I’m interested in the answer to this too. Read a scientific study yesterday that compared outcomes for patients who took 800mg daily (like I did) and others who were given 1,200 mg daily and guess what? Patients on higher dose got better outcomes. You can find it here if you’re interested.
Oh snap I found and read that too! I've no idea how much I'm getting though. Uggh- the more you know the more there is to worry about. Last time I justtrusted everything and questioned nothing. But now I'm feeling like I'd like more info!
I emailed my clinic asking if I can increase. They'll probably think I'm neurotic but who cares- I'm paying enough for this.
Well my nurse told me that that feeling is a good feeling as that’s what progesterone is meant to make you feel apparently so hopefully that’s a good sign that your progesterone is working and or you’re having implantation x
Oh that's good to hear. Hopefullyy nurse will come gack and say same to me tomorrow.
I explained all this to my OH- he basically patted me on head and said aww the drugs make you a crazy lady don't they? 🤣 hes lucky it also makes me slow and sluggish! Hes tucked me up on sofa with waterbottle and chocolate so I'll stay here for evening.
Thanks so much for replying- best of luck to you for your little one on board 🤞🤞
Yes, I read your post about the low progesterone. It must be so frustrating that they never tested that before, but at least you know now. Hopefully this will make the difference this time. Definitely going to get mine checked now after reading your story. Good luck for Monday.
Hiya. I'm so sorry to read this today. I'm in the same boat. Yesterday I had confirmation that my 1st try with donor eggs resulted in failure. It was a chemical.pregnancy. I have hardly slept all night. The fear is back.
I'm trying to remain positive about the fact that i implanted and that is a good sign. I never had a positive with my 3 own eggs. The things I did differently this time was I used Lubion and Lentogest top ups twice per week. Injectable progestrone is much better in my opinion. Although my clinic didn't check my progestrone levels I am sure extra progestrone made a difference.
Also, I didn't use aspirin which was advised by Professor Quenby following my NK Cells testing in nov/Dec last year. Think this helped the lining of my womb to develop better. NK cell testing wasn't a magic answer for me. I came up low on both occasions and they were able to tell me why. They recommended I have the scratch and no aspirin but that's about it. Still think it helped but wasn't a magic answer.
I've had the scratch in the past but has never worked for me. I think it might be untrue that it helps at all.
For my next go I will stay off aspirin and on injectable progestrone. I am also going to insist on using presnisolone. It's just a case of trying anything I can.
I am heart broken for you and myself. Feel so low today. I know I must keep fighting but feeling exhausted
Hi Rainbowhope. So sorry to hear about your losses. It’s so hard. But if you got to implantation then I’d say that’s a positive even if it didn’t stick this time, it shows it can work so try not to be too disheartened. The next time will be your time for sure. I’m interested in what you say about aspirin as I’ve taken this on my last couple of cycles. Why were you advised not to take it? I’m definitely going to ask about additional progesterone when we get our follow up appointment and steroids sound like a possibility too. Sending you lots of hugs. XX
So sorry to hear about your BFN, it can be so disheartening. I'm due for my FET on Friday, 4th attempt with DE (and last one), abroad,sadly my first fresh transfer ended in a MMC. After my last failed attempt Consultant suggested a Chicago blood test to test my immune system, I was unsure at first because its very expensive but as I have food allergies I knew I could have an issue, anyway results came back to say very high levels of toxic cytokines and I am TH1 dominant which means my body attacks itself and any foreign bodies so ive been on 20mg of steroids daily for about 6wks and had also having intralipids,I have also completely changed my diet,cut out gluten,dairy,soy, sugar and other inflammatory foods but for me its now a lifestyle change due to test results. Its hard because there can be so many factors and unfortunately like Cinderella said it can be a numbers game. Wishing you the very best of luck xx

Hi Clairenix. Yes, it sounds like we’re in a similar position. I thought all our problems were over when we were matched with a donor, didn’t realise that DE aren’t a silver bullet. It’s so hard to keep going. I’ve been reading good things about steroids though and I’m a big believer in the power of healthy eating so fingers crossed that this will be your successful cycle. Take care. XX
I totally understand where you are coming from,you are given the stats of DE and I just took it for granted it would work straight away,my Consultant also said if it fails this time then I should switch donor as we may not be compatable. I read a really good book called is your body baby friendly,it can be confusing but had some interesting info in there, also talks about the benefits of steroids xx
Hi Star121. Thanks for the suggestions. I have tried DHEA in the past, when we were still trying to use my own eggs. My own follicles never get much bigger than about 10mm on their own but with DHEA I ended up with one at 20mm. It turned out to be empty, but it did seem to do something. I’ve never come across PRP before but it sounds interesting. Off to do some googling. All the best.
I am sorry to know your story. There are a few issues that come in my mind: low level of vit D, poor sperm quality and donor eggs (although a donor is young) are without PGS NGS testing. Good luck with your journey x