We tested this morning on day 13 5dpt. Unfortunately another negative, after having 2 previous rounds on NHS I really thought this one with a private clinic would have worked as the protocol was so different. I really believed in it which has given me a bigger fall and upset this morning. We have 2 frozen blastocysts in the freezer of 5AA and 5BB. Not sure what to do next.
Another failed round : We tested this... - Fertility Network UK
Another failed round

I'm so sorry, I had a BFN this week too.
And it is harder when you really believe it might work but you have to believe.
Maybe speak with your clinic about recurrent implantation failure. There's a whole bank of tests you can do.
But today just be gentle on yourself and know that you did everything you could xx
I’m sorry. Yesterday was my OTD and had a Bfn too. 4th Transfer…This journey is cruel
Hi Hopeful99, I’m so sorry to hear you had a BFN. It’s heartbreaking, especially when you have changed things up and your expectations are higher. I’ve just recently had my first ever BFP on our 6th transfer and I honestly thought we’d never get here. What did it for us I think was having an ERA test to determine my exact transfer window (137 hours of progesterone) and immunology tests which showed elevated natural killer cells (now controlled with steroids)
We also did have our embryos PGS tested but we had a high number come back normal so I think it was more likely the timing and immunity.
Wishing you lots of luck xxx
I’m so sorry to hear you had a BFN 💔 You’re making good embryos by the sounds of it, so I would ask your clinic why they think you’ve not had luck as of yet and what they would suggest you do differently next time? There’s lots of tests for recurrent implantation failure as Millbanks suggests, so you could also ask about those as well. I recently got my BFP and I genuinely believe it was the treatment for immunology that has helped me get this far.
For today, take good care of yourself. Treat yourself to your favourite food, give yourself lots of TLC and do what you need to do to grieve.
Sending you big hugs xx
Thank you all for taking the time to reply. We have a consultation on Saturday to see what to do next. Xxx