Yesterdays was my test day after 12days of my embryo transfer. Yesterday my the test was negative and i am bit worried.
Please ladies tell me what are the symptoms of failed ivf?????????
Yesterdays was my test day after 12days of my embryo transfer. Yesterday my the test was negative and i am bit worried.
Please ladies tell me what are the symptoms of failed ivf?????????
Sorry to hear about your negative test. Take good care of you. Have the clinic told you to stop medication? If so you will have a period within a few days.
Do you have any plans for another embryo transfer or cycle? x
Sorry that your cycle hasnt worked. There arent any symptoms as such, just a negative test. The clinic will more than likely ask you to stop taking your medication and once the drugs are out of your system you will have a withdrawal bleed. Hugs.xx
I'm so sorry you got a negative. Please rest up and allow your body to heal. I hope everything will work out for you xx
So sorry to hear this, sending you lots of love and big hugs during this difficult time xxx
So sorry to read this, I had a BFN yesterday and it’s absolutely heartbreaking 💔 hope you have lots of support around you xx
I had 2 failed transfers and I know how hard it is. I’m sorry xxx
I’m so sorry take advice from your clinic now. Look after yourself xxx so sad