So after my last post I decided to have a “selfish” weekend. I had lie ins, caught up on my tele, watched some of my box set, ate lovely food-more so chocolate and stayed away from people.
This is where I struggle though, going back into a busy environment and having that fake smile on for five days. Talking and listening to people I don’t really have a lot of time for and not having a minute to myself.
I love being in my little bubble sometimes but then I equally just want to feel sociable and for us to be able to go out and look at baby stuff and plan the nursery. I’d love to go round see family and to be able to talk positively rather than avoiding the subject.
I am feeling much more upbeat to be fair. I always do at the beginning of my cycle- I start the whole process again- let’s try again, let’s eat healthy, let’s exercise but not too much etc etc.
Happy Monday x