Hi all, this is my first post, I apologise for it being so long, I have only just plucked up the courage to do this...I have just joined today. I guess I'm looking for some support and maybe some suggestions/advice from others who may be in my situation, and perhaps also to be able to support others too? I feel alone.
My partner and I had IVF 2 month ago, 1st cycle, ICSI, one healthy egg was retrieved (although there were 6 healthy folicles, the surgeon only decided to collect 1 egg as he said he was on a tight schedule that day!) and we had healthy sperm.
Fertilization went well, but the embryo didn't develop so we couldn't proceed with transfer.
We were devastated to say the least. It's been eating away at me and my partner ever since. It's causing tension and anxiety in us both, perhaps it's like a grieving process.
I have had 2 miscarriages before, we've had all the tests/scans etc and we've been told there's no reason why we shouldn't be able to conceive naturally and there's no explanation for the lost babies.
I have endometriosis, but again, tests etc have shown all tubes, womb, ovaries etc are all ok and clear.
I do have one child who was conceived naturally (which of course I'm grateful for) before my endo diagnosis, and the pregnancy was text book, no probs, so all ok.
The problem I'm having is the total sense of loss, all of the time, everywhere I go outside, on the TV wherever, there seems to be permanent reminders (perhaps I'm just over sensitive given the situation).
I do not yet feel that I have completed my family, and when I say this to friends, usually I get a "well it's not like you have no kids at all is it!" (is it wrong of me to feel this isn't a helpful comment, especially from people who already have their "family" of 3 or more kids?)
I'm also what would be called a "mature mum" so time isn't on my side (again, been told I'm selfish, huh??) but I am still fertile and producing eggs, have a regular ish cycle..
We had natural modified IVF with ICSI. We haven't been back for a follow up yet because it's all just been too raw. Inside I'm so fed up, feeling low and, hate to admit it, but angry, I feel like the surgeon didn't try hard enough to retrieve more eggs so we at least had a greater chance etc etc and we are at a loss as to what to do next!
Do we try to conceive naturally or go back to clinic for advice? If we could conceive naturally I'd really appreciate ANY advice or ideas from anyone.
My partner says he's happy to carry on as normal and leave it to nature, but I'm anxious about that (which of course, stress doesn't help! catch 22)
I am writing on here in the hope that there are others out there who, well, just understand.. it's a really tough place to be in and I feel nobody understands unless they've been there... Can anyone help or at least tell me what i'm feeling is normal?
Also, does anyone know if my GP can prescribe fertility drugs to enhance natural conception?
Thanks all for taking the time to read this.