So, turns out the morning of your 12 week scan is really a test of how well you can hold all of your bodily functions.
*Desperately needing a wee but having to hold it in because of that pesky ‘full bladder rule’.
*Being so nervous that you feel like you need to poo but not being able to have a poo because you’re scared some wee might come out and you’ll break the aforementioned ‘full bladder rule’.
*And finally, the anxiety levels being so high that you suspect you might projectile vomit like the girl from The Exorcist if you so much as open your mouth.
But of course (please believe me!) I am in NOT complaining! I’d go through it all every single day to experience the joy and relief we felt at seeing our two little wrigglers moving about and their beautiful hearts flickering away 😊💕
Thank you once again to you all for your unwavering support, love and prayers. You are amazing and I know I can count on you to do it all again for us for our 20 week scan in June!
Sending lots of love and positivity to everyone 😊💕 xxx