Hi all,
Sorry for the negative message but I don’t know where else to go right now. Iv managed to stay quite positive so far but I feel like I’ve reached my limit. We had a round of IVF which was unsuccessful and no back ups in freezer. My job as a teacher has taken too much of a toll due to 60 hrs a week and my class (although I love every single one of them) there are a number who have high behavioural and emotional issues causing outburts resulting in me and other staff regularly putting themselves in harms way. I have had to hand in my notice so I can continue IVF in a safe environment. It was such a heart wrenching decision but I can’t be relaxed or give IVF the best chance in that environment. But now feel so lost. Only 3 weeks to go and I need to find another job and I’m terrified I won’t get one. Iv lost all confidence so selling myself in an interview is hard.
On top of this, I have 7 close girl friends. I was the first to start TTC and since then 5 babies have been born and 2 of them are pregnant again at the moment. I love them and they are considerate of my situation but my social life and free time is now very limited to watching other mums with their babies. I’m very happy for them. I’m just hurting for me.
I love my husband so much but we are not being intimate. He has lost confidence as our infertility is down to a biological issue he was born with. We have got in a rut of staying in watching tv and going to bed as we are both so exhausted.
All aspects of work, friends and home life just feels all wrong. I’m so sorry for the moan, I’m normally such an upbeat person but at the moment I feel very lost.
My next IVF cycle is at the end of July so I want to get my positivity and enjoyment of life back so we are in with a good shot. With NHS round used up this will be our last shot. Any advice much appreciated for anyone who has tips on coming out the other side of these feelings with a smile. TIA.