It’s been an emotional roller coaster, but after hearing my babies heartbeat yesterday at my 16 week checkup with my midwife I’m feeling more relaxed in the idea that I’m going to be a Mum.
I was a complete wreck at my 12 week scan, I couldn’t stop crying I was so scared something was going to be wrong and I’d be back at square one. I never thought I would be like this after getting a BFP, but my anxious journey was only halfway through.
I’m still emotional from the whole IVF experience, there are so many ups and downs. But I’m feeling less nervous today and actually looking forward to my 20 week scan. And I hope that I stay with this mindset and enjoy the next scan and the rest of my pregnancy.
Good luck everyone out there doing the same thing - it really is a game of luck too which is so annoying. 10 eggs and 3 IVF attempts - this was my last little embryo xx