Hi lovlies,
I need your help like a blind one seeks for eyes ☹️.
This is my first FET and I am 10dp5dt with minimal symptoms like cramps on and off, no bleeding, watery discharge often, at times sore boobs and more then often visiting the bathroom.
Due to my high thyroid I am Levothyroxine 50mg per day and as part of regular blood check up I had my blood tested on 8dpt5dt very early morning. I made the mistake of asking my GP to test levels of hcg and now the results are back and says hcg <1 .
Is it normal for it to be so low at the day the blood was taken 8dp5dt? Or this it and does it mean it’s over? 😔
I have still not done a pregnancy test so far as i was waiting to do it on 22 Feb when my clinic asked me to.
Sent blood test to my clinic and they recommended to continue take medication and test on 22 Feb as it’s too early. But is it really!?!
I need your thoughts and experiences and perhaps an idea of what could be going on…
I appreciate so so much all your info and replies and wish you so much luck wherever in your in your journeys you may be ❤️😘. This platform has been a safe anchor for me every time I read it so hope to hear a few of you.
Hugsss and baby dust to you all